
Zack Snyder says BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN’ “literally explodes” the COMICS MYTHOLOGY

Zack Snyder.

Zack Snyder’s back, having opinions, insights and such. The Poor Man’s Joss Whedon has recently opened up about the fan reactions to the casting of Ben Affleck, Jesse Eisenberg, and a whole litany of other things. Most interesting is his TOTALLY GNARLY TAKE on the DCU, noting that Batman vs. Superman LITERALLY (he loves that word) EXPLODES THE COMICS UNIVERSES. BOOM.

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‘BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN’ delayed until 2016. Oh no, oh gosh.

Batman vs Superman

Batman vs. Superman vs. Aquaman vs. Wonder Woman vs. Everything won’t be dropping in 2015. Nope. Instead it’s getting pushed back into 2016. Word on the street is that Bat-Fleck tore a quad while getting ripped on the streets of Medford doing some sprints wearing a weight vest. Boom. Right into a fucking pot hole. Fucking plows! Now he’s laid up. Ugh! (Entire joke only makes sense if you’re from Massachusetts, whatever.)

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THE ROCK CO-STARRING IN ‘JUSTICE LEAGUE’? A more perfect union! Set for 2016.

The Rock.

The Rock is going to be co-starring in the Justice League flick? Which is going to begin filming right after Batman vs. Superman vs. Gal Godot vs. Aquaman vs. Good Taste? Now that’s a fucking doozy of a rumor.

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Best of 2013 – Caffeine Powered’s Picks


2013 was a bit of a benchmark year for me in the realm of my personal life. Over the course of the last twelve months I have: successfully not shit my pants (time left), moved into my first official apartment with my girlfriend (I was squatting in hers), spent hundreds of dollars on caffeinated products, proposed to said girlfriend and begun planning a wedding, played far too many hours of Borderlands 2, stared at far too many asses on Tumblr, taught my first classes (I love it), and hung with the Gang Omega far too little.

The drawback of a boomin’ personal life is that pop culture has flowed through my brain with far too little interaction this year. What I perceive, I half perceive. What I enjoy is fleeting. Worse still, I’ve ventured very little out of my comfort zone. Indie games, comics, movies, and fetish sites have been largely ignored due to want of time.

As a result, my list is a pedestrian collection of my favorites from a very sad little slice of what arrived onto the scene this past calendar year.


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Joaquin Phoenix.

If this rumor holds, the Man of Steel franchise will continue assimilating a ridiculous quantity of talented actors into its corpus. WB apparently wants Joaquin Phoenix to play Lex Luthor, and I think that would be fucking awesome.

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Rumor: KHAL DROGO (Jason Momoa) in talks to join ‘BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN.’

Jason Momoa.

Good guy Zack Snyder. If reports are to be believed, it seems he is salvaging the man behind Game of Thrones’ Khal Drogo from the trash heap. And thank goodness! Those pectoral muscles need to glisten upon the big screen. (In another movie outside of Conan which the Dude and I sadly saw together. We had a fun time though.) It seems a bit too obvious, but Jason Momoa is a logical Doomsday. Right?

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The Flash.

Oh, you fucking goons. Stacking the deck of Batman vs. Superman to the point where like only three slap-dick idiots aren’t going to be shown before the Justice League flick. Hey man, don’t make good points. Just remember. Allofthecharactersalways.

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WONDER WOMAN CAST in ‘BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN.’ Gal Godot in the house.

Gal Godot.

The face for DCU’s cinematic Wonder Woman has been found. It’s Gal Gadot, and I apparently know her from Those Really Fast and Furious Flicks. What I don’t know? Is if she can act.

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Warner Bros. registers A F**K TON OF DOMAINS as potential ‘BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN’ TITLES.

Yum yum.

Warner Bros. has registered a fucking fuck load of domains that  may point towards the actual title of Batman Vs. Superman. ‘Cause why keep the title that we’re all using? Right? I mean — take your logic and stick it in your ass.

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LEX LUTHOR CONFIRMED for ‘BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN’, plus Kevin Smith is sort of Sad.

Probably him. I don't know.

There was some Kevin Smith-hosted online event where Smith was his typical sycophantic self. Aside from revealing that Luthor is in Man of Steel 2: *ALL* The DCU Characters!, he spent a good amount of time freaking out about the new Batsuit.

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