You can buy an “XBOX ‘DURANGO’ DEVELOPMENT KIT” on eBay. Uh, you do it.
There’s totally an Xbox “Durango” development kid on eBay. It totally has to be real, legit, and quantifiable. That said, how about you go and buy it, and let me know how gnarly it turns out to be. I’ll bring the popcorn and we can program Dong Wars xx69. You just need to front the overhead.
Rumor: IMAGE from the KINECT 2 sensor leaked.
Skynet is upgrading its wares, infiltrating the next generation of Kinect sensors and the shit. Soon it will be able to accurately track the motions of your hand as you masturbate. Despite turning the system off, the camera will be on. Aware. Recording your furry habits.
‘GRAND THEFT AUTO V’ hype machine begins with viral ‘Epsilon Program’ site dogging Scientology.
Vroom! Vroom! That’s the awful-pun sounds of Grand Theft Auto V‘s marketing campaign kicking off. Ain’t never been no sacred cows in the line of this franchise, and now it appears that Scientology will be getting dragged through the mud in the fifth installment. Fantastic.
Gearbox Software CEO: I can’t believe gaming industry hasn’t copied ‘BORDERLANDS’ yet.
Randy Pitchford is shocked that no one in the gaming industry has copied Borderlands yet. Now that you mention it, so am I. It’s like Diablo, only first-person stylee. It’s like Diablo III, but good. In fact, the sequel is my most desired title of the year. Get it! get it!
‘GEARS OF WAR: JUDGMENT’ Dropping Next MARCH. Roid Up, Rock Out.
The turnaround time on the next Gears of War joint is significantly mitigated in comparison to previous entries. Get ready to rock out prequel stylee early next year.
‘BORDERLANDS 2’ TRAILER: Full ‘LION KING’ Treatment For Our Horror-Win
Borderlands 2 goes In The Jungle. Wasn’t what you were expecting, but god dammit you’ll fucking love it.
TRENT REZNOR Does ‘BLACK OPS 2’ Theme Song. Ehhhhhh, Que?
Imma buy and play Black Ops 2, because it has joined Thanksgiving and gaining twenty pounds as perennial November habits of mine. Now I know I’ll be partying to a uh, wait what?, theme song by Trent Rezzy when I boot the fucker up.
[E3 2012 – Halo 4] Campaign and Multiplayer
MS opened up their media briefing and all of E3 with this vid, the first look at the Halo 4 campaign. Feels like more than just a little nod to Metroid Prime, aesthetically.
Hit the jump for the vid, and links to more vids, including B-Roll campaign footage and some multiplayer from the new Spartan Ops mode.
‘GEARS OF WAR: JUDGMENT’ REVEALED; Totally Looks Like Prequel. Bro Hug.
Yo! Fuck Monday. That’s so far away. The lid has been blown off Gears of War: Bro Hugs Through Cuffs today, and in a world with no patience that is exactly how we’ll have it.
Hit the jump for the Game Informer covers.