
NUMBERZ!!! Here are the XBOX ONE SPECS. They mean nothing to me.

Xbox One Specs.

You like specs? They’re just numbers to me. Hope they mean more to you.

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Steve Ballmer is ready.

The Next Xbox is being revealed on May 21. There are unconfirmed reports I’m going to dress up like Bill Gates and jack off into a blender filled with Xbox hardware. As I watch, it’ll hurl tech-shrapnel deep into my guts. I will orgasm.

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NEXT XBOX being revealed May 21. PLUS more XBOX news than your knobs can handle!

Steve Ballmer is ready.

Come one, come all into your one-stop for today’s collection of Nextbox rumors. Most significant is the seeming confirmation that we won’t be getting a reveal of Microsoft’s new money-maker until May. Son of a bitch. Previous rumors had pointed towards this month, but for whatever reason it shant come to pass. My guess on the delay? I propose that Steve Ballmer is still scraping the remains of that errant Microsoft creative director who trolled fans off the walls of Microsoft’s floating fortress. You ever see that guy go full Scanners on an employee? It’s terrifying.

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Microsoft probably revealing NEW XBOX at an event in April. Retaliation ++

Steve Ballmer is ready.

Sony has been the belle of the ball for the past couple of days, after revealing their PS4. Sure, a lot of the conversation around them is in regards to their lack of a console and all the such. Even with that, Microsoft has to be feeling a bit anxious to launch their own salvo. It word be true, that salvo shall be hitting in April.

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