Xbox One was top-selling console in July; outsold PS4 first time since 2015
The Console War is heating up! Maybe. Maybe not. Probably not. But for the first time in a good goddamn while, the XB1 outsold the PS4.
‘Gears of War 4’ Gameplay Trailer: Father, Son, Mucho Murder
Marcus and his kid, man. Just straight killing things together. Quality bonding. I’m jealous. Not how I bonded with my dad, this right here. Generally we “boned” by him defeating me in some physical activity while demeaning my existence for the audience in his head. Man, that, uh, got dark quick. Enjoy the trailer!
‘Sea of Thieves’ E3 2016 Trailer: Rare Brings Yarr’ll A Pirate Sim
I appreciate the fuck out of the conceit of this game, Sea of Thieves. It ain’t for me. But I appreciate it.
Microsoft confirms its upgraded Xbox One, “Project Scorpio”, dropping Holiday 2017
The Iterative Generation, baby! All the consoles, under the same umbrella, with varying degrees of power and style. Apple, eat your fucking heart out.
Microsoft turning every Windows PC into a potential Xbox One
I haven’t used my XB1, at all. It appears that I may be able to sell said unused XB1 quite soon, since my gaming PC will essentially be one.
Woah: Microsoft allowing Xbox gamers to play against PS4 and PC owners
Woah. This is something that I have all spitballed about for some time now. The ability to play with fellow gamers across console lines. Granted, this development will only work if Sony “participates” in the initiative, but fuck. Ball is in your court, PlayStation Overlords. Let’s get this done.