Microsoft buys ‘GEARS OF WAR.’ Exclusive++
Gears of War has always been a Microsoft exclusive, but now the franchise is definitely not going anywhere. The Company that Bill Built or Something has purchased the series from Epic Games. Not only that though, they’ve reclaimed series producer Rod Ferguson. I’m actually quite stoked about the enterprise.
Perhaps: Neill Blomkamp directing ‘HALO’ pilot for Microsoft
Who the fuck else would it be Caff, if not Microsoft? I know, I know. Hashtag redundancy. Anyways, before Neill Blomkamp was known for District 9 the good sir directed a series of stunning Halo short films. Bro was even involved in a movie adaptation. But things went and got stalled, which prompted Blomkamp to throw up the deuces. Dare we say the sir is returning to the franchise?
Indignant Gasp! Microsoft pays YouTube personalities to promote Xbox One
This is a surprise! A horrible, wrenching surprise. Apparently Microsoft pays, pays! YouTube personalities to promote XB1. Here I thought these folks were bulletproof, incapable of being morally assailed.
OMEGA-CAST #7: Don’t Call It A Comeback!
Woof! Like five fucking months since we cut the last podcast. Like two weeks since we recorded this new one. Listen, I work with assholes. What do you want with me? That’s neither here nor there. On the podcast: butt play, the console wars, Bateman’s gastric band, Thor, bathroom breaks, Smaug, swearing, caffeine, Star Wars talk (of course) and more.
Let’s fucking do this!
Watch: Dude sets XBL username to “XBOX SIGN OUT”, trolls. Hilarity ensues.
This is fucking amazing. Truly next level XB1 Kinect-coated trolling. Dude-bro changes his gamertag to “Xbox Sign Out.” Pisses people off. They scream his name. They (almost) sign out. Seems simple. But brilliant. So good.
Next ‘HALO’ dropping this year. Teabag your bro with glee.
My XB1 is neat. Sitting there. Talking to me. Being like “Hey man, Kinect’s scanning your dong. Telling people six inches? LOL c’mon braj know thyself. The truth will get you free.” However outside of scanning my minuscule weiner it isn’t doing much. But if it can stay strong for the next few months, it appear it’ll be getting some Master Chief action later this year.