‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Plot Synopsis: A Grumpy God Hits The 1980s
Hey! Want the (pretty obvious) plot synopsis for X-Men: Apocalypse? Well, you’re in luck! A, uh, press release from M&M’s has you covered. Only in this world, man. Only in this world.
Leaked: New look at Oscar Isaac as Apocalypse in ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’
People really did not like their first look at Apocalypse. Calling him Mighty Morphin’ PowerDouche and such. Me? I dug deep into my rotting brain and recalled my dismay at Singer’s Quicksilver when he was revealed. Then I recalled how much I enjoyed him in the actual movie. So I was (and am) willing to not make a judgment on IsaacLypse until the movie itself. But a new picture of Oscapocalypse, and it’s pretty dang good. I must say.
New ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Photos: The Apocalypse of recasting Jean and Scott
It was just a clever (or more accurately a not-accurate) headline. I’m actually feeling these pictures of Scott, Jean, and more.
Bryan Singer: ‘X-Men’ and ‘Fantastic Four’ crossover movie is “in play”
Is this crossover still going to be in play when Fantastic Four bombs? ‘Cause like — the movie is going to.