
Monday Morning Commute: Demons Begone!

monday morning commute demons begone

Great glorious fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to be working. But, today I returned to teaching from Spring Break. And granted, I’m pretty fucking depressed that it’s virtual. At the same time, though, I feel as though I had purpose for the first time in weeks.

You know, like healthy purpose.

Not the sort of purpose that just has you existentially laying in the fetal position (last week). Or, eating two pints of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, because fuck it (last night).

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Wednesday Afternoon Commute: Take a fucking breath!

monday morning commute take a breath

I’m late, but I’m here, motherfuckers! Here with another Monday Morning Commute! The weekly catch-all column where we (usually just me screaming into the wind, tbh) gather to share what we’ve have been enjoying the past week. What we’re going to be enjoying this week. And, generally just fucking around. I’ll go first, because I’m tardy as fuck. But, I hope you’ll join me in the comments section. Let’s go, comrades!

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