
Weekend Open Bar: Now serving Cultural Rot-Gut, extra seasoning

weekend open bar now serving cultural rot-gut

It’s the fucking Weekend, dude. It’s fucking Weekend, dude, and not a moment too soon.

This hermetic, extroverted-introvert has been stumbling through this week. Somewhat, nay, totally viewing Friday afternoon as a refuge seemingly never arriving. Last weekend’s Weddings Doubleheader just left me goddamn mentally depleted. Look at all the fucking italics! Look at all the emphasis! Delirious! Drunk off emotional expenditure!

It’s the fucking Weekend, dude. It’s fucking Weekend, dude, and not a moment too soon.

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‘Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus’ Gameplay Trailer: Let’s Get This Freak Show On The Road

This trailer is my everything. And, to answer the trailer’s question, you fucking bet I got some Nazi fightin’ killing skills still up in me.

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