‘Wipeout’ Remasters Coming To PlayStation 4 In The ‘Omega Collection’
Wipeout is getting itself a remastered anthology on the PlayStation 4, titled the Omega Collection. Listen, anyone affixing “omega” to anything is fucking clutch in my book. So I give this development my approval. It also doesn’t hurt that the fucking Wipeout games were fantastic, and it’s a goddamn shame we haven’t gotten a new one since 2012.
‘WIPEOUT’ developer Psygnosis is closed for good. MORE CHILDHOOD DEATH.
Fuck, yo. Not a day after I find out that Nintendo Power has head its throat meet blade, news drizzles out that Sony has pulled the rip-cord on developer Psygnosis. Them sons and daughters a bitches were responsible for many an hour of Wipeout back on the day.