

Much Ado About Nothing.

Remember that Billy Shakes flick that Whedon cut last year in like nine days? Yeah, here is the trailer for it. Let me know what you think. Me? I’m not really sold. Despite Whedon being quite the heir to Billy’s witty repartee, I’m no feeling the actors in the trailer. Alas! Alack! They don’t pull off the dialogue to my liking. Does this mean I’m going to dismiss the entire endeavor? Naw, I’m still excited. Just a bit cautious, now.

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Joss Whedon’s ‘MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING’ gets release date.

Man, now that I pause for like five seconds this makes a lot of sense. Billy Shakespeare is known for several things. Being a spy for the Illuminati. Stealing from Christopher Marlowe. But also for his witty repartee. Why, Joss Whedon is also known for this. Now it makes like total logical sense that homeboy has adapted Much Ado About Nothing.

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50 Megapixel Imaging System Uncovers Billy Shakespeare’s Signature. Renaissance Swag!

Now this is a way to spend a spring fucking break if you’re a literature nerd like me. A professor at the University of Mississippi took his students down to Washington D.C. and they went and discovered themselves Billy Shakespeare’s signature.

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