
Paul Cornell: Worrying About Superhero Deaths Is “Pretty Meaningless.”


Wolverine writer Paul Cornell is weighing in on the source of one of comics’ eternal debates. The life, death, and resurrection of Capes. According to the guy who is going to have a hand in Killing Wolverine this Autumn, we shouldn’t sweat the death and resurrection cycle. Instead we should appreciate the story. What say you?

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CAPTAIN AMERICA becoming president of the ULTIMATE UNIVERSE. Sharks! Be jumped!

I love me some Sam Humphries. I love me some Ultimately Ultimate Ultimate Squad. I don’t know if I’m going to love them pitching Captain America as president to be, but I’m willing to give it a try. For Sammy. And his gorgeous afro. Plus his writing skills, there are always those. And the idea that the Ultimate universe plays for keeps, nephew! For keeps! I’m just rambling now.

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