
NASA discovers that MERCURY has water at its poles. G’damn space miracle.

How is this for unexpected. The planet closest to the Sun sports frozen water and its poles. The barren ball of Space Hell may contain the building blocks of life. Or something. God. Damn. Fascinating. Lord, I love it when  scientist wizards find something so completely counter-intuitive to common beliefs. The mysteries of the Universe give our arrogance the finger, lurking behind the pale of discovery.

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MERCURY Has Frozen Water, Despite Being Hot As F**k? Zounds.

Mercury is straight chilling next to Sol, having the distinction of being the planet closest to the star in this fine system. With temperatures off the chain, one doesn’t generally imagine there be water on the planet. Unless you’re like me and you spend too much time imagining things in the Multiverse like my dumb ass. Going against all (seeming) sense there isn’t just water on the Scorcher. There’s frozen  water.

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