
Monday Morning Commute: Frankenstorm’s Monster

Hello there! If you’re reading this it means that Frankenstorm hasn’t totally rocked you. Not yet, anyways. Or, if you took the proper precautions as I did, you’re safe in a bunker, leisurely tapping away on a hard-shelled laptop produced in 1995 and powered by a Soviet-surplus generator.

Mother Nature is a powerful woman of antiquity, but I’m a crafty miscreant in the digital age.

Anyways, welcome to the Monday Morning Commute, the weekly meeting at which we confess our darkest entertainment secrets. Can’t tell your boyfriend about that comic book you bought? Come to the MMC! None of your coworkers will appreciate the Japanese import you just got in the mail? Come to the MMC! Pretty sure your wife doesn’t give two buttery squirrel shits about the fact that you’re going to beat Super Mario Bros. 3 without the use of a single warp or whistle? Come to the MMC!

I’m going to get things started. But then it’s up to you to share what you’ll be doing this week. C’mon, it’s electronic show and tell!

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Paul Pope for Warren Ellis: PSYCHENAUT

[Paul Pope’s submission to Warren Ellis’ Three Panels Open feature]

Cover to WARREN ELLIS’ Second Novel, ‘GUN MACHINE’ Revealed.

I miss Warren Ellis. A lot. He is a hero of mine, one of the biggest. However as he has scaled back his work in comics to almost nothing, his visible footprint on my psyche has eroded. Bums me the fuck out. Where there was once a plethora, now there is mainly silence and the occasional balls-tingling rant on his website. Despite this Lack, Ellis does exist, and he has been doing Things. One of those Things is Gun Machine, his second novel.  As proof of his wind-sucking continued-contributions to the arts of the world, Ellis has dropped the cover to this next textual offering. Done by  Keith Hayes, it’s sexy.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Warren Ellis’ GRAVEL To Be Adapted Into Film By Tim Miller

Tim Miller is a super-VFX-wizard whose work you may have seen most recently in the Fincher-powered Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. He was responsible for the opening credits sequence, which was both amazing and probably the only portion of the movie worth watching. Now he is going to helm the adaptation of the Warren Ellis comic book Gravel.

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Warren Ellis Says Comics Should Go Digital First. Brian Wood Says “I Am”

Warren Ellis got around to dropping some comments about where he thinks the comic industry should go, and should have already went recently. He stated that comics should go digital-first, but opined that maybe creators didn’t have a taste for it. Then stepped in Brian Wood.

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Variant Covers: Wolverine’s Drunk And Beast Is Wearing A Red Wig

We’re shortly enclosing on the witching hour, the feast of October. The  ephemeral  time where the membrane between the expired and the wind-sucking melts before our eyes, unleashing torrents of evil and scares upon us. That ain’t the half of it either, dude. Motherfuckin’ candy up in the bitch and rotten teeth and syringes in the bags of your children. It’s dangerous out there! Stay inside. Read some funny books.

This is Variant Covers. The rags I’m stoked on this week. Share your pull-list after the spiel ends.

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OCTOBERFEAST – Your Actual True Hallowe’en Story

[OCTOBERFEAST is the greatest celebration of the year, a revelry dedicated to pop-culture’s most nutritious Halloween detritus. Plastic screams and artificial sweeteners have never been more bountiful. In the old country, villagers refer to the extended party as Satan’s Snacktime]

Hallow’s Eve, the official moment of the OCTOBERFEAST orgasm, is exactly three weeks from today.

Presented for your consumption is a tasty treat cooked up by Warren Ellis, my personal Internet Overlord. What follows is Your Actual True Hallowe’en Story, which I first read in Shivering Sands and tracked down on Ellis’ Livejournal.

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Monday Morning Commute: By Rinaldi’s Hand!

Hey-oh! Welcome to the MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE — OL’s attempt to curb the blow that is the workweek! I’m going to give you the rundown on what I’ll be doing in the upcoming days to protect my soul from drudgery and malarkey. Your mission is to hit up the comments section and show off your own entertainment survival kit.

What’s in it? Movies? Music? Candy bars and porno? Let us know!

So c’mon kiddies, gather `round!

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Monday Morning Commute: Rippin’ Sugar Packets

Welcome to the MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE – OL’s weekly show-and-tell session. I’m going to give you a peek at some of the bits of entertainment that’ll keep me from swearing off our oppressive society, giving away all my worldly possessions, and then fleeing to the wilderness so I can die in a van.

After reading about the destinations of my entertainment-excursions, you’re encouraged to hit up the comments section so you can show off your own itinerary.

Let’s rock.

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Warren Ellis Talks About DC’s Reboot and Their Digital Strategy. Read This.

Warren Ellis is a bit of a touchstone of mine. When he writes I listen, and usually find myself raging at the mouth puppeting his sentiments because I find them so brilliant. Today Ellis posted a take on DC’s forthcoming reboot and their digital strategy on his blog.

It’s an excellent look at the inner-workings of the industry from a dude who has seen its grimy fucking guts.

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