Yo! Got $30,000? You Can Buy An Entire Video Game Store On eBay
Source: Destructoid / Enlarge.
God damn! The things you can buy with money. Wait, that doesn’t make sense. Let’s try this again. God damn! The things you can buy with $30,000. I mean, that’s thirty-thousand Junior Bacon Cheeseburgers. What can you get for that many bacon cheeseburgers? How about an entire fucking video game store? I’m in man, I’m in like wut!
Damn, you really can buy just about anything on eBay. Today there’s a whole freakin’ videogame store on the website, priced now at $30,000. So what does your $30k buy? You get either the active store, located in Grand Junction, Colorado, or its inventory. The store has thousands of games for every system as well as accessories, controllers and the shelves and dispalys to sell them on. Apparently there’s over $60,000 worth of inventory.
The seller says the Buy It Now price gets you free delivery within 750 miles.
Anyone want to go in with me on this? I just need you to drum up something like $29,500, and I’ll provide the rest. I know, it probably seems like you’re towing most of the weight when it comes towards buying the store. But, I’ll make you a deal. You front the majority of the money, and I’ll put your picture on Omega Level, and write a very kind letter about you for the entire world to see on this fair page.
Solid deal, no?