
The Dude’s High 5s: Holidays!

I hate August.  It is my least favorite month.  It’s hot, it’s sticky, and worst of all, no holidays.  There’s no prebuilt excuse to engage in revelry.  So while we find ourselves in the center of this horrid month, let’s look fondly towards days of celebration.  You’ll notice a distinct lack of gift giving holidays on my list.  Some people think it’s because I hate fun.  Other people guess it’s because I was hatched a fully formed adult and have never been a wide-eyed child, anxiously awaiting treats.  My response to those claims is that they are false.  It’s because I hate the bullshit pretense that is built around them, especially when I am in no way affiliated with the religion that spawned them. Also I have no family.  I will never stop hating the pretense built into gift giving holidays, but if I did have a family, I’d suck it up and deal with it for them.

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