
‘Tomorrowland’ Trailer: Bathtub Rocketship

‘Tomorrowland’ UK Trailer: The Future is running out

‘Tomorrowland’ Teaser Trailer: You Wanna Go?


Here’s the first teaser trailer for Tomorrowland. And goddamn it — I don’t want to like it. I want to pry apart my cynical butt cheeks and spew textual scat-bile over Damon Lindelof’s smug face. I want to. But fuck if this first trailer didn’t intrigue me. Ah fuck. I guess I’ll just wait for the actual movie to let me down. And even if I do like it, I’ll just accredit that to the talented Brad Bird behind the camera. YOU CAN’T WIN WITH ME LINDELOF, YOU CAN’T.

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This! Is! Mad Men! – Tomorrowland

[This! Is! Mad Men! is a recap of the newest developments of Don Draper and his lovable gang of capitalist sleazeballs. Sometimes it’s liveblogged, sometimes not. In the spirit of the show, the post itself will often be sexist and drunk. Apologies ahead of time.]

Why do we put up with the bullshit in our lives? Why do we drag our existences through the mud? Knowing that we only have one-way tickets on Spaceship Earth, why don’t we do more to enjoy the ride?

The short answer — most of us don’t even know.

Neither does Don Draper.

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