
‘ROBOCOP’ Trailer: Refried Robo-Bits


You know, I wouldn’t have thought many people would care about the trailer for the RoboCop remake. But my Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr feeds suggest differently. So uh — here it is! I am quite the fan of the original, so mannn…I don’t know. Color me skeptical. What do you think?!

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Fan Made ‘MAN OF STEEL 2’ Teaser Trailer: Batfleck Rises Or Something

The Batfleck.

A lot of people are losing their shit over this fan made trailer for Man of Steel: Batman/Superman: He Rises. It’s pretty cool. That’s all I got. Watch it. Lose your shit. Or don’t lose your shit. I won’t judge you either way.

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The Wolverine.

Claws and effect? I’m on fire! No, literally. I have engulfed myself in flames after that pun. This post is being typed in a final, zen-like state as I suffer immolation.

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Monday Morning Commute: DRINK DEEP THE ENNUI.


Remember how last week I was all excited for life? This week is the glorious inversion of such a feeling. A viscous ladling of ennui is rattling around my belly, daring me to frown. There isn’t so much a reason for me to be sad, rather I’m just like “oh hey, I exist.” Eh, what can you do. Some weeks are more thrilling than others. So I turn to you, dare readers, in this newest of Monday Morning Commutes. Tell me what you’re enjoying this week. Inspire me. I beseech thee. And thee. And thee.

Hit the jump for my tepid chocies for the next seven days.

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