Grant Morrison and Brian Taylor (‘Crank’) adapting ‘Brave New World’ for SyFy
I don’t know how I feel about this, despite Grant Morrison being one of my favorite comics writers, and Brave New World being one of my favorite novels.
Gross: David Goyer and SyFy bringing ‘Krypton’ origin series to TV
David S. Goyer sucks. Origin series suck. This show is going to suck. (Or maybe it won’t. But I despise the aforementioned two.)
‘Ascension’ Trailer: Murder At Interstellar Speeds
I’m glad that SyFy is once again taking space-opera seriously. (Even if Ascension isn’t necessarily the strict definition of a space-opera.) I’ve been jazzed about Syfy’s realignment focusing on non-suck, real shows since announcing that they’re adapting my beloved and amazing Expanse series. But fuck now this trailer has me enthused, too. Syfy, don’t play with me. Two potential space shows rocking? Hubba hubba.
BRIAN WOOD and RICCARDO BURCHIELLI’s ‘DMZ’ getting TV adaptation.
Matty Roth lives! Fuck yes! First impression on hearing this news. DMZ coming to TV! Awesome! Second impression on hearing this news. Oh Fuck It’s On Syfy? Third impression on hearing this news. Some people from Mad Men are involved? Hope springs eternal!
‘Battlestar: Blood and Chrome’ Getting Demoted Back To Webseries? Fraking Sad Face.
I was pretty goddamn excited about the prospect of a new Battlestar Galactica show hitting the various screens through which we now watch shit. Helmed by Michael Taylor, taking place during the first Cylon war. Yes, yes! No? After seeing initial footage, SyFy is thinking of returning it to its webisodes roots.
New Battlestar Prequel Details: Adama Straight-Up Goes To Hoth.
The more I read about Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome, the more excited I get. Will I accept any excuse to return to the worlds colonized by my good ancestors from Kobol? Hell fucking yes, I will.
According to this review of the pilot script, the show feels very much like a return to the military space opera of Battlestar Galactica, although it’s also clearly influenced by the Star Trek reboot – complete with a visit to an ice planet.
First off: awesome. Secondly, yo! Straight up Star Trek reboot? Let’s not get into some sort of mimetic spiral into nothingness following the originations of certain tropes. But! But still. That ice planet from the Star Trek reboot was fucking Hot. Also, the new Kirk was Han Skywalker. Which is why I liked the movie so much. Anyways.
We meet Adama as a cocky new pilot who graduated at the top of his class and is convinced he belongs on the front lines – even if his battle-hardened superiors aren’t so sure. Adama is assigned to the Galactica, which even then is an old, beat-up ship under the command of the similarly ground down Silas Nash. Adama isn’t pleased when he’s sent on a mission in a Raptor – he’s a Viper pilot and believes he should only be flying Vipers. This is where he meets the old vet Coker, who becomes something of a gruff mentor to Adama and even gives him the Husker callsign that we saw in BSG.
Oh lord. My hogsworth begins spurting the gunk just thinking about returning to some Viper battles. Please let this be dope.
Here’s Some Concept Art From The Upcoming Battlestar Galactica Prequel: Blood and Chrome
I’m currently in the “it could be fucking awesome!” portion of my oscillating opinion on the BSG prequel, Blood and Chrome. If it’s a high quality production tackling Billy Adama and the first Cylon War? Goodness gracious, it could be terrific.
Miss out on my earlier article about Blood and Chrome? Here you go:
Blood and Chrome takes place 20 years after Caprica and about 40 years before Battlestar Galactica.
Writer of the script Michael Taylor elaborates:
This is very much an action-adventure, war series. This is definitely dealing with people who are fighting the fight. … As you hope ‘Battlestar’ would do, it kind of comments on that process a little bit… but not in a preachy way, not in an issues-oriented way, not in a hitting-you-over-the-head way.
Hit the jump for some concept art from the upcoming series, which is slated to hit in late 2011 or early 2012.
Oh Frak. SyFy Pushing New Battlestar Galactica Prequel Series, Starring William Adama.
Double frak. SyFy, not content enough to let Caprica shit all over my beloved Battlestar Galactica mythos is prepping a new prequel series that’ll detail the run of Willy “Husker” Adama. SyFy is kicking shit off with Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome in either late 2011, or early 2012. Motherfuckers. They will then parlay this shit into a new series.
The script, by Michael Taylor, was originally planned as an online series, but the network liked it so much that they decided to turn it into a possible new series on the network. Blood and Chrome takes place 20 years after Caprica and about 40 years before Battlestar Galactica.
Well, it could be worse, guys. It could be written by Jane Espenson, who fucking sucks. Not only were her episodes in latter BSG awful – hint, look for the shitty episodes, you’ll see her name attached – but she ripped fat narrative craps all over Caprica.
Michael Taylor, on the other hand, is legit. Dude wrote BSG season three’s Unfinished Business, and Crossroads Part I. Legit, ball-tingling episodes. So who knows. Maybe it’ll rock. Maybe it won’t. Whatever it is, it’s guaranteed to have more action, and shiz.
This is very much an action-adventure, war series. This is definitely dealing with people who are fighting the fight. … As you hope ‘Battlestar’ would do, it kind of comments on that process a little bit… but not in a preachy way, not in an issues-oriented way, not in a hitting-you-over-the-head way.
So we’ll see. More Viper piloting awesomeness? It could happen. I’m all over the place when thinking about this shit. Just remember, it could be worse. It could be Jane Espenson. Or fucking Bryan Singer.
Hit me with your thoughts in the box. Comments box.