
Burger Chain in California teaming-up with surveillance company for face-scanning loyalty program. Dystopia Now, baby!

burger join surveillance giant points

A local California burger chain is banking on its customers wanting fucking loyalty points more than they don’t want want their faces fucking scanned and logged in some database somewhere. I, the ever present cynic, am guessing they’re probably right. Who needs to fight against Dystopian futures when you can get free french fries or some shit. Who needs privacy when there are hamburgers at stake, bro!

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Cyberpunk: WiFi networks can identify you through walls, thanks MIT!


If this isn’t exactly the sort of cyberpunk apocalypse I’m waiting for (with sleek leather garb, a powerglove, and sweet ass shades), then I don’t know what is.

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Portland, Oregon Considering All-Seeing CCTV Surveillance. Wut? Weird.

This is weird as hell to me and my clueless ass. I thought that Porltand, OR was some sort of hipster haven where people smoke pot in the streets and beers can be traded for high-fives at bars. Now they’re going to go full CCTV stylee? Odd.\

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