
Views From The Space-Ship: As Above, So Below


Hey fuckaroonis! What’s your world looking like these days? Your virtual halls? Your physical ceilings? This is Desktop Thursdays! Show me, show me, show me! My world? As evidenced by the relative silence here at OL-Proper this week — fucking busy! But I’ve snapped some glimpses into the hectic happenings.

I hope you’ll share your own.

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Views From The Space-Ship: On the Hunt For the Cyclops


Views From The Space-Ship! Where I yank back the scab obfuscating my Realm from the All-Peering Eyes of you Internet Lords. Bask in confirmation of my tangibility. Bow your head, humbled, knowing that such refuse as myself runs free within the Kingdom. Then share looks into your own world. Virtual and Literal.

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