
Stephen Hawking and a Russian Billionaire aim to build Interstellar Ship


What is becoming obvious, to me, is that the stars are not going to be conquered by governments. At least, not at first. They’re going to be conquered by Rich as Fuck Folk with their Eyes To The Sky.

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Hawking, Musk, Chomsky, and more sign open letter to ban Artificial Intelligence Weapons


A real fucking murderer’s row of intelligentsia have signed an open letter calling for a ban on Artificial Intelligence-based weaponry. Sure! Why not? Personally, I’ve always thought that if anything was to rise up and gain Artificial Intelligence, it would probably just be really fucking bored with us ape-folk. And our violence. And our war. But who knows. Maybe it would take on all of our wonderful traits, and subjugate the fuck out of us.

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Stephen Hawking: there ain’t such a thing as a black holes. Dummies!

Black Hole.

Sort of! Sort of. That’s the sexy, sensational headline. And I’m not Mary Jane or Peter Parker, but I want desperately to be both sexy and sensational. Anyways. So black holes *do* fucking exist, but apparently it is possible for shit to escape their tyrannical gape.

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Scientists Working On Device To Help Stephen Hawking Communicate Through BRAIN WAVES. Futurism ++

Everyone knows that Stephen Hawking is both one brilliant motherfucker and also the victim of a most uncool disease. The device that has helped the duder communicate since losing his voice thirty years ago are failing, leading totally wizard scientists into creating an equally impressive new one.

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