
‘Starfield’ soundtrack being handled by ‘Fallout’ composer Inon Zur. Man, I need this fucking game!

starfield soundtrack fallout composrer

Bethesda ain’t fucking around with Starfield, and this news is the latest proof. The company is bringing in the renowned Fallout composer to handle the soundtrack. Man, this game is really fucking real. Please, Elder Ones, don’t let this game break my heart. I’ve already suffered Mass Effect: Andromeda and Cyberpunk 2077. I beg you.

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‘Starfield’ will feature the biggest map of any Bethesda game. Ever. Give me this fucking game!

starfield biggest map of any bethesda game ever

Man, Todd Howard out here talking about Starfield. Talking about how it’s going to feature the biggest map of any Bethesda game ever. Getting my tits hard. I almost wish dude wouldn’t talk about it, so I didn’t have to think about it longingly. Just come at us when you got a release date, Toddy. Stop tickling the tip.

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Bethesda teasing something ‘Fallout’ or maybe, please god yes, ‘Starfield’ related

bethesda teaser fallout starfield

Bethesda is teasing…something, folks. Most think it’s Fallout related, given the classic “Please Stand By Image”, which makes sense. Others like me are hoping it’s a reveal of the long-rumored Starfield. I mean, what if the palette switch means Starfield *takes place* in the Fallout universe?! Whatever the fuck it is, I’m pumped.

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