‘The Force Awakens’ International Trailer: Hope Is Not Lost Today
Of course I futzing watched this new international trailer, replete with new footage. I have no goddamn willpower! And let me tell you — it’s futzing!!! amazing. Hiding even the video under the jump in case the video thumbnail ain’t something you want to see.
‘The Force Awakens’ Character Posters: Up Close & Colorful
Man. I got myself fucking Force Awakens tickets. Literally possess them. The movie is next month. And I can’t fucking wait. But Disney keeps enticing me to be more PUMPED and more JACKED and perhaps even “SWOLE” as the kids say (what’s swole in this case? Obviously my dong), with shit like this: character posters.
Report: ‘Captain America: Civil War’ trailer debuting with ‘The Force Awakens’
This makes sense. Disney is propelling us into the apocalyptic monoculture, slowly accumulating our entire pop psyche for their benefit (and mine, #stockholder). So why not use the amazing largesse of corporate synergy that The Force Awakens presents as a means to promote another vessel?
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Supercut Trailer: All That Footage, One Handy Place
Probably already seen this shit (#blogsoslow), but it’s goddamn fantastic.
Jason Aaron and Marvel announce new exclusive deal
The exodus of talent from Marvel has been the realness as of late. That isn’t do say they don’t have talented writers, but rather that most of their “architects” (remember that shit?) have left for purely creator-owned ventures. And so while Jason Aaron will still be rocking Southern Bastards and other creator-owned titles, he’ll also be working exclusively for Marvel (as opposed to like, DC, too?).