
Drew Karpyshyn, writer of the original ‘Mass Effect’, has returned to BioWare

Welcome back, Drew Karpyshyn! You are the writer of the original Mass Effect, and a lad who had spent a long time with BioWare. You wandered off, and realized how good you had it at your former employer. Now you’ve returned. Wizened. Grateful. Homesick. Us BioWare fans are happy to have you back, too.

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International Star Wars Fan Groups Accepting Old Republic Costumes As Canon. F**king Phew

I had no idea that Star Wars  fan groups had such sway. While George Lucas may have rubber-stamped (a stamp forged in his laboratories using dark magic and our tears) Star Wars: The Old Republic  as canon, the fan groups weren’t so quick to give it their blessing. Rejoice though, people of the desirous SWTOR  cosplay. The game has passed the Crucible.

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