Marvel business formula for last four years. Break status quo with new issue #1. Return to status quote with new issue #1. Break status quo with new #1. Return to status quo in time for movie tie-in with new issue #1. Peter Parker is the latest character to tote this contrived rock, though I’m glad for his return.
Face of a Franchise: Mister Spock!
[face of a franchise presents two individuals that’ve fulfilled the same role. your task — choose the better of the two and defend your choice in the kal-if-fee that is the comments section]
It’s time for us to get emotional about science-fiction’s most beloved logician.
“VULCAN” wins Pluto’s moon-naming poll. Plus! Three-headed dogs.
The Vulcans have won, folks. Led by Spock, they have claimed victory in the poll which was deciding the name of two of Pluto’s moons. Pretty gnarly.
FIRST LOOK: Benedict Cumberbatch As ‘Star Trek 2’ Villain. PLUS! IMAX.
Reposting after the great Malware Occurrence of February 2k+12 is a few pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch as the villain in Star Trek 2, plus confirmation that some scenes will be in IMAX glory.
Hit the jump to check it out.