‘Spider-Man’ reboot casts Marisa Tomei as Aunt May
The cast for the Spider-Man reboot is beginning to take shape. The film has added none other than Marisa Tomei, casting the actress in the role of Aunt May. How you feeling about this choice? Personally, I’m down for Marisa Tomei in any film.
Marvel announces Miles Morales is star of ‘Spider-Man’ comic this fall
Oh shit! Miles Morales! Spider-Man. Maybe not in the movies, but the web slinger is headlining a Spider-Title in the comics this Fall.
Leaked: Sony’s guidelines for ‘Spider-Man’ depictions in movies
A leaked memo document’s Sony’s guidelines for how Spider-Man is to be depicted in movies. A lot of people are up in arms about it, but truthfully — nothing in the guidelines should fucking surprise you. Disappoint you? Yeah, maybe. But it’s all standard fare.
Marvel’s ‘Spider-Man’ director search narrowed down to Ted Melfi and Jonathan Levine
Why was I still laboring under the delusion that Drew Goddard was running the Spider-Man project? Is he writing it or something? Or is it just wishful thinking, post-Daredevil? Anyways. Marvel’s search is down to these two dudes.
Asa Butterfield cast as the new ‘Spider-Man’ for Marvel and Sony
The dead-eyed kid from the terrible Ender’s Game movie is now Peter Parker.
Rumor: Next Spidey flick titled ‘Spider-Man: The New Avenger’
I can fuck with it. I mean, thematically, it makes sense playing off the title of the first Captain America movie.
No Duh: ‘Spider-Man’ flick will star Peter Parker, according to Kevin Feige
I am one of those folk who really wanted Miles Morales to join the MCU, now that Marvel has joint (wink, wink) custody of Spider-Man once again. But yeah, I never held my breath.
Dumb Speculation: Russo Brothers sign Sony deal; mayhaps rebooting ‘Spider-Man’
Maybe it ain’t Drew Goddard rebooting Spider-Man? Maybe it’s the Russo Brothers. Men behind Cap 2 and Cap: Civil War. You know, the movie everyone is sweating Spider-Man to appear in. Now they’ve signed a deal with Sony, home of The Spider-Men. Could these be the dudes to reboot Spidey?