
Baby Star Pukes Cosmic Matter! Get A Bib, Yo.

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Human babies seem like centers of mess, despair, and occasional beauty. For me, baby stars are considerably more beautiful, though it appears that their fucking effects cause much more of a cosmic mess. With them vomiting cosmic goop and shit everywhere. There’s probably someone who can explain it better than me.

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Image Of The Tarantula Nebula Makes Me Shoot Web.

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Behold the Tarantula Nebulae, who is absolutely stunning. The nebulae, which is located a mere 170,000 light years away is a hotbed of star-creating majesty.

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This Shooting Star Is Astronaut Pee From Discovery.

Behold the sexiness of….astronaut piss? The above image was taken by Jens Hackmann of Germany. Theoretically, it’s of the Discovery venting its excess water, but what exactly is in that water?

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The Moon’s Got A Sexy Rearside.

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Check out a look at the backside of the Moon. She’s got dumps like trucks, what, what. Or something.

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Saturn’s Rings Are Slicing Titan’s Throat.

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That’s Saturn’s moon, Titan. Straight chillin’, balancing on top of Saturn’s gorgeous rings. Sort of. The powers of perspective, summoned! Consummated. But what is really interesting is how fucking thin Saturn’s rings are. Something I don’t really stop and contemplate. Well, I don’t contemplate much, but that’s obvious.

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The Sun Turns A Detached Prominence Into Art.

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You’re not hallucinating. Or maybe you are. Regardless, the above is a fucking stunning picture of the Sun. Taken by Alan Friedman, it features all sort of technological and photographic wizardy to pull off. While the genius works, us proles can clap our meaty hands.

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Solar Eclipse From Space Shows Moon Reversing Direction. Wut?

This video of the solar eclipse is rad for several reasons. For starters, you can see some pretty righteous magnetic activity on the Sun’s surface. The Sun is spittin’ like a mad dragon, fiery hotness! Also, it features an optical illusion wherein the Moon appears to enter the scene, and then somehow, reverse direction.

Hit the jump for the video.

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Sunflower Galaxy Is A Spiraling Beauty.

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Behold the Sunflower Galaxy today, otherwise known as Messier 63. Swag, right?

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Bioluminescent Star Trail Photography Is Ocular Porn.

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Thar be a gorgeous picture. Taken by Phil Hart, it is the result of a 1.5 hour exposure.

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New Proof Earth Life Came From Space. Sick.

Knock knock! What’s that? Oh, it’s just new evidence that life on Earth may have been carried to our glorious Marble by some fucking runaway asteroid. The concept of this happening is either enough to give you a Carl Sagan boner, or to point at the sky and say, “Yes, something is definitely up there.”

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