Earth Eats The Sun In The Solar Eclipse.
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Oh shit! The motherfucking Erf is hungrrrrrrrry. Check it out as it takes a bite of the Sun. Munchin’ on plasma gets the heart beating like you wouldn’t believe. In all honesty, this is a picture snagged by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, and the reasons for it appearing the way it does is beyond me.
But not Phil Plait.
Two Galaxies Colliding Is Spacegasm.
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That enormous glob of cosmic gorgeousness in the middle of the above picture? It’s NGC 6872, a spiral galaxy. It’s not just any spiral galaxy, though. NGC 6872 is currently taking an ass-whupping from the smaller galaxy to the right, IC 4970. The two sons a bitches are colliding, and it’s a tussle spanning hundreds of millions of years.
Every Exoplanet Orbiting Every Star Found By Kepler In One Image.
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Behold!, fellow astronomical dorkcore assholes like myself. The image above is every single exoplanet orbiting every single star found by the Kepler telescope. Go ahead, click it.
First Image of Mercury From An Orbiting Spaceship. Ever.
Mars’ Northern Chasm Looks Like Tatooine. Or Earth. Sexy.
The Red Square Nebula Looks Like Rez Gone Galactic.
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Everything in my existence is funneled through comparisons to video games, comic books, Star Wars, and sporting events. So when I’m staring at MWC 922, all I can see is the beginning of a level of Rez. What I’m really looking at is a fucking square nebula. Brimming with red and oddity.
Sammy Hagar Says He Was Abducted By Aliens: Mas Abduction!
Sammy Hagar isn’t just the genius behind Van Hagar and Mas Tequila. No sir. He’s also the man who has been abducted by aliens multiple times, having his ass downloaded or uploaded or…something. He’s not really sure. But it’s led to some rockin’ jams.
Scientists Observe Two Stars Joining Together. All Naughty Like.
From what I understand, scientists and astronomy wizards have long since speculated that stars could spin so closely to one another that they may actually touch. Shit has popped off lately though, as scientists have been able to directly observe the merger of two closely orbiting stars.