
Saturn Is Linked To Its Moon Enceladus By An Electron Beam. Righteous.

If you’re ever feeling dulled with reality, just follow some fucking astronomy news. It’ll moisten your science-fiction glands, infusing you with the knowledge that the universe is fucking awesome. Take for example: Saturn is linked to its moon Enceladus by a fucking electron beam.

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Hubble Celebrates 21st Birthday With Colliding Galaxies Sexiness.

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It’s okay to get a little sexy on your 21st birthday! It’s one of the last times that you can get hammered, make some bad decisions, and use a birthday to support the claim. So in order to celebrate Hubble’s birthday which turns 21 years-old on April 24, astronomers have released this sexy image of two colliding galaxies.

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Exoplanet Has Is Own Shock Wave Shield To Save Its Atmosphere.

WASP-12b likes it hot. Or at least it better. Located just two million miles away from its star, the motherfucking temperature on its surface is 4000 degrees Fahrenheit.  WASP-12b ain’t fretting though. It’s got its own blast shield to save its atmosphere.

Galactic science, get!

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Titan’s Orbit Proves It Has A Giant Ocean Underneath It’s Surface? Gnarly!

Scientific Astronomical Gurus have done some wizardy science crunching and come to a tenuous and probably incorrect but awesome conclusion: Saturn’s moon, Titan, has a giant ass ocean underneath its surface.

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Young Stars Are Much Cuter Than Human Newborns. IJAF!

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Everyone’s always pimping their new born kids. Don’t get me wrong, some are goddamn adorable. Usually in tight correlation with their parents’ appearance. Some kids though, are man. Just woof. Eighteen years removed from sitting at the prom drinking by themselves and staring at taut asses they can’t get near.

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One of Saturn’s Moon Got Itself A Face Only Momma Loves.

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Check out the flat face of one of Saturn’s moons, Mimas. Son of a bitch (or daughter of a bitch?) got itself rocked some time ago by a vicious space-object and it’s had to suffer the malformation ever since.

How big is that impact? Enormous.

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50 Years Ago Today, First Human Orbited Earth. With Footage!

Above is a “real time recreation of Yuri Gagarin’s pioneering first orbit, shot entirely in space from on board the International Space Station. The film combines this new footage with Gagarin’s original mission audio and a new musical score by composer Philip Sheppard.”

Fifty years ago today,  Yuri Gagarin was orbiting the motherfucking Earth. Fifty years ago today we said fuck you to gravity, plausibility, and rocketed off this fucking Earth. We, as in humanity, not some retarded provincial ideas constructed with illusory borders and ideologies.

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Hubble Image Of A Black Hole TEARING Apart A Star. So Good.

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That vague picture above is a poor rendition of something that is probably beyond the comprehension of our fat simian grey matter. It’s a black hole literally tearing apart a star.

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Image | Skull Nebula Is Pure Metal.

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César Cantú took a picture of W5, known as the Soul Nebula. However, through a variety of imaging filters, he managed to reveal the nebula’s true friggin’ nature: as the most metal of nebula, the Skull Nebula.

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Milky Way Forms Bridge Across Chilean Desert.

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Behold the majesty of the Milky Way galaxy. This panorama is taken in the Chilean desert, and we can see our galaxy as we are nestled comfortably inside the disc of our galaxy.

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