
Have Scientists Found The First White Hole? Science Rules!

Ah, space. The glorious beyond. Also home to amazing existential theoretical wanking that is far beyond the grasp of this mind who can barely handle literature. Still though! The latest “we’ve possibly, probably, maybe, probably not, but maybe?” space news is that we may have found the first white hole.

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Two White Dwarf Stars Have Been Brawling For Millions of Years. Millions.

Bloods and Crips. Pepsi and Coke. Apple and Microsoft. None of these motherfucking feuds have anything on two white dwarf stars that have been destroying one another for fucking millions of years.

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Jupiter’s Moon Io Has Active, Grumpy Sulfur Volcanoes.

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One of Jupiter’s moons, motherfucking Io, has more than 400 active volcanoes. This picture taken by the Galileo spacecraft has caught some of those bad boys in action.

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Astronomer Discovers Planets That Don’t Have Orbits. Que?!

There’s a lot of complicated shit in a recent astronomy article that my limited attention span can’t keep track of. What I can tell you after skimming it is this, apparently some fucking planets don’t have orbits. Outstanding.

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Milky Way Galaxy Is Warped, Has A New Arm!

Milky Way Galaxy, home of us all, is apparently warped like a motherfucker. The discovery of a new arm of the galaxy has led to wonderful science speak describing why our galaxy looks like a fucking bottle cap.

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Mosaic of Mercury’s Face Is Pockmarked Bliss.

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That is a planet, floating out in space. Gorgeous, pockmarked, rocked by cosmic forces. Specifically, it’s Mercury, and this is a gorgeous mosaic taken by MESSENGER.

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Cat’s Eye Nebula Purrs With Sexiness. And Terrible Puns.

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Oh shit, look at her purr with sexiness! That’s the Cat’s Eye nebula, and the magnificent halo that surrounds it.

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Deep Fractures On Mars’ Surface Paint Gorgeous Calamity.

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Drink that existential wankery in, my friends. A gorgeous picture of Mars, detailing enormous fractures on her surface.

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Meathook Galaxy Is Gorgeous, Not As Cool As Meat Spin.

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This is the Meathook galaxy. At one point in time, it was a typical spiral galaxy. After a gazillion zillion years of getting its ass-whupped, it now resembles the good ole letter S.


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Elephant’s Trunk Nebula Isn’t Really Phallic. Bummer?

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So when you call something the ‘Elephant’s Trunk Nebula I naturally think of a dangling phallic cosmic wonder. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, that isn’t the case.

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