
Lots of Planets May Have Big Moons Just Like Earth’s.

The Moon is awesome. The idea that it is a hovering reminder of an insane collision billions of years ago is rad beyond measure. What I didn’t know until today is that the Moon is a relatively big son of a bitch. See, while it isn’t enormous unto itself, the relative size of the Moon in comparison to Earth was thought to make it special. Not anymore though. Apparently lots of planets may have relatively large moons of their own. Sorry Luna, I still love you.

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Two Videos Of An Enormous Explosion On The Sun Today. Existence Is Fun.

The Sun unleashed an enormous explosion today, and it’s one that has to get you staggered a bit with existential glee. Seeing the engine of our existence roar in its cosmic fury gets me a bit tingly. Jump inside for videos and Phil Plait breaking them down gloriously as usual.

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Wandering Jupiter Responsible For Mars’ Small Size.

Mars isn’t as big as Earth, not by a longshot. It clocks in at 1/10th the mass, and 1/2 the size. Why is that? Did Mars not use protein shakes after powerlifting? Intergalactic anorexia? Some other poor joke? No sir. It’s because it had to contend with a roaming Jupiter back in the day.

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Endeavour Docked At ISS Casts Gorgeous Shadow.

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Endeavour is back on the ground, but while it was taking its ultimate voyage, it spent some time docked on the International Space Station.  Not one to waste and opportunity to take gorgeous pictures,  Dani Caxete snapped some captures of the craft casting a gorgeous shadow against our solar system’s star.

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Cassini’s Saturn Pictures Turned Into Gorgeous Video.

The spacecraft Cassini has been rocking around Saturn for seven years, taking thousands of pictures and making geeks like me swoon. Apparent fellow geek and talented videographer  Chris Abbas took all the images and make a video out of it, set to some fittingly haunting Nine Inch Nails.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Saturn’s Moon Rhea Is A Camera Hog, But She’s Pretty So It Works.

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Check out Saturn’s moon Rhea in this picture. Stylin’, profilin’. Dominating the picture taking by Cassini, Rhea is hard to miss. This picture ain’t hers alone though, no sir. It’s a veritable gathering of Saturn’s family.

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NGC 6744 Is Milky Way Galaxy’s Twin, Supersized.

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Meet  NGC 6744, our galactic twin. The swirling space sexiness is nearly identical to the galaxy we call home, save for one thing. The son of a bitch is twice our size.

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Centaurus A Is A Galaxy With An Impressively Spewing Hole.

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Meet  Centaurus A, a galaxy whose central black hole has the glorious claim of spewing plasma. Lots of it. The spewing amazo-plasma jets are million of light years long. Sweet Jesus.

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Pic of Discovery’s Final Spacedock Is Bittersweet Sex.

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Check out a picture of Discovery’s final spacedock. The prettiness of the picture is only marred by the fact that it’s the final time she’ll be performing such a sexy space-bound stunt. Damn shame. Here’s hoping that the space program’s nap is a lot shorter than I’m fearing it’ll be.

Scientists Think Moon May Have As Much Water As Earth.

Yesterday, we spat about the possible confirmation of white holes. Well today True Believers, I have some more sizzlin theoretical heat for you. Scientists are speculating that the Moon may have as much water on it as Earth does. Let us don our Probably Senseless But Nonetheless Exciting Speculating Caps!

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