Saturn and Five of Its Moons In One Gorgeous Picture
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Back in 2009, Cassini caught Saturn and five of its moons in one gorgeous line-up. Well done, Cassini.
So what exactly is going on in this picture?
50 New Exoplanets Found, Including Possibly Inhabitable Super-Earth. Space Geek Swoon.
We can now purvey deep into the cosmos, gobbling up planetary findings like it isn’t any thang. The scientists found these planets using a fancy spectrograph thing far beyond my fat-brained comprehension. Oh yeah, and 16 of these planets are super-Earths. One within its star inhabitable zone. ‘Possibly inhabitable’. Have to love the hyperbole. Whatever though, brah and brahettes, begin your fantasizing.
Video: Jupiter Rolling Across The Night Sky.
You can see Jupiter in the night sky tonight. Don’t believe me? Believe Phil Plait! Well, okay, you could have right after sunset. People on the west coast! Do it! For me! Did you miss it? Then console yourself with this video made by Emil Kraaikamp of Jupiter rolling across the night sky.
New Image of Moon Shows Astronauts’ Footsteps. So Rad.
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The above picture is g’damn outstanding. It’s a picture from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter showing the Apollo 12 mission in fantastic detail. To stop and contemplate this is a picture of a different body in space where man has been. And we can see our marks.
This Is The Remains Of A River On Mars. Solar System Swoon.
This is a picture of Mars. A picture of another planet. A big round conglomeration of awesomeness that has ice, water, maybe life, and goddamn used to have rivers. This is a picture of another planet. So outstanding to think about every once in a while. And as I said, it’s a picture of the remains of a river. On another planet.
Image: Check Out The Sun’s Solar Mohawk. X-Treme.
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Alan Friedman took this gorgeous picture of a solar prominence rising off off the Sun’s dome like a goddamn solar mohawk. It’s impressive, no? It’s even more impressive when you consider the massivity of what’s lifting off the Sun’s surface.
Video: Meteor Over Georgia Is Flaming Rock of Awesome.
On August 28 there was a pretty righteous meteor rocketing across the night sky in Georgia. It was like Deep Impact except not cataclysmic. Just rad.
Video: Hurricane Irene As Seen From Space. Captured By Astronaut.
Hurricane Irene is currently on her way towards fucking up the Eastern seaboard and probably putting a goddamn tree into my car. She’s mean. Judging from this video taken by an astronaut, she’s also gorgeous. Mother Nature is friggin’ stunning.
Hit the jump to check out the video.
NASA Discovers Stars That Are Cool To The Touch. Well Done, Universe.
The Universe never fails to impress me. On the almost daily tip. Today we have cold stars. NASA has identified stars, called Y-dwarfs that are colder than the human body.
Gorgeous Mosaic of the Sun. Existential Swoon.
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Check out this gorgeous mosaic of the Sun by César Cantú. The All Glowing Orb is a sexy specimen in general, but it’s looking exceptionally swank in Cantú’s work. So what exactly are we looking at here?