
Video: Inside The International Space Station During A Reboost. I Am Jealousy.

Every so often, the International Space Station has to reboost itself to a higher altitude, because of wonky things like microgravity drag (I didn’t think that up) and such bringing it closer to our Watery Blue Planet. Recently, during a reboost the ISS crew videotape the effects of this altitude correction on their lovely little bodies.

Hint: they get to go for a ride.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Lays Down The Symphony of Science

I thought I was done with the Symphony of Science auto-tuning craze. Then the genre didn’t play fair. They combined  Neil deGrasse Tyson and some Existential Prostate Milking with some pretty music. I laughed. I cried. I rubbed up against Tyson’s mustache on my monitor. No seriously, there are few people in the world as inspiring these days to me as Neil. The beauty, the beauty!

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Historical Remnant of A Supernova!

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In 185 AD Chinese astronomers caught glimpse of a new star in the  Nanmen asterism. A phrase previously unknown to me which refers to a very specific portion of the galactic cosmos ceiling (thing). It also may be the earliest recorded supernova.

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We’re Sending Germs To Mars! We Invite Our Own Disaster.

Since I’ve read so much science fiction throughout the decades, I’ve begun to equate pretty much doing anything with Mars as either inviting our own Doom, or uncovering the presence of sentient life there. Sending germs to Mars? Jesus we’re precipitating our own demise.

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Asteroid Close Encounter Tonight! Bruce Willis On Standby.

We’re getting fucking buzzed tonight! I’m not talking the alcoholic-tinged pukey sense. I’m talking there’s an asteroid coming! Meet YU55. It’s a 1,300 foot piece of space refuse, and it’ll be coming closer to us than the moon.

The end (isn’t) nigh!

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NASA: We’ve Discovered Something Completely New On Mars.

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NASA has found some new shizzle on the surface of Mars, and they’re calling it “the vein”. I’m calling it obvious proof of our former-Earthling presence there. Billions of years ago.

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Newly Minted Star Begins Sprouting Cosmic Wings.

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Check out the massive star IRS 4. The star is relatively young at only about 100,00 years old, it’s beginning to get itself some Nebula-forming wings.

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Video: Simulated Mars Mission Crew “Returns” To Earth After 520 Days.

There was a simulated mission to Mars run at  the European Space Agency, and it’s finally concluded after 520 days. Want to see the sort of trials and travails they went through? It’s pretty awesome.

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New Sunspot Is Three Times As Wide As Earth. The Sun Laughs At Us.

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Relatively speaking in comparison with it brethren, the Sun is a small star. Compared to us? It’s fucking enormous. A new sunspot on Sol is three times  as wide as Erf.

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This Spiral Galaxy Is On The Edge. Don’t Push Him!, Sugar Hill Gang Reference Etc.

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Check out the galaxy NGC 3628. A straight-on chugging through space. Spiral, yet on edge. It’s quite the serious galaxy,until you hear its other nickname.

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