Is Vesta A Giant Asteroid Or A Protoplanet? Damned If I Know!
Straight-up: I don’t know the definition of a protoplanet, but people who do aren’t sure if the largest asteroid we’ve visited happens to be one.
Hubble Brings Us A Horseshoe Einstein Ring. Is It Lucky? Rimshot.
Man, I can’t help myself with the bad puns. That may or may not be because it’s currently 3:00 am while I write this fucker up. Truth be told we all know regardless of the time I’ll rip off something glorious like that. Anyways, what exactly is causing that horseshoe effect? Gravity! Einstein told us so.
Astronomers Find Two Earth-Sized Planets Orbiting Same Star. Kepler Fist-Pump.
The Kepler observatory continues to crush it when it comes to exoplanet finds and the such. The recent most ballin’ discovery? Two Earth-sized planets orbiting the same star. Everybody drink! Woo! Or don’t drink, cause you know, it’s the middle of the work day and shit.
The Sculptor Galaxy Is Gorgeously Molded. COSMIC PUNS.
Everything Was Nicolas Cage; A Moment of Zen.
Let the musky cosmic scent of Sir Nic wash over you in these troubled times. Stressed about finals? Christmas shopping? That itch on your groin becoming a boil? Don’t worry. The Good One is watching over us.
NASA’s Voyager 1 Is Preparing To Leave Our Solar System. So Glorious.
NASA’s Voyager 1 has been rummaging around the solar system since 1977. 19-fucking-77! That’s a considerable amount of time, and it has grown bored of this little portion of the galaxy. Soon, soon indeed!, it’s going to bid adieu to our solar system. That’s right, the first man-made object is about to leave the Sun’s domain. Incredible.
Galaxy Full Of Diamond Planets? Cosmic Blood Bling.
The universe revels in its ability to put the mind-boggling and wonderful just within our reach. We can see it, perceive it, never touch at. At least not yet. I mean fuck, the cruelty! Who wouldn’t want to get to a galaxy full of diamond planets?
Earth-like Planet “Confirmed”. Like Tots Srsly This Time.
There’s been “confirmation” of an Earth-like planet. No like totally serious, man. We just don’t know if it’s gas, or rock, or solid, and it’s really, really far away. Man, I’m a negative bro today.
Scientists Discover Huge Water Deposit On Mars. Martians Are Like Get Out.
Scientists have discovered a huge water deposit on Mars. Large enough that future explorers can potentially use it. 345-million miles away on the Red Planet awaits delicious water. Guarded by invisible Martians, obvi.