Check Out Our Gooey Galactic Center! A Mere 26,000 Light Years Ago.
Check out our gorgeous galactic center. It’s funny that NASA drops this image on us today, because last night I was marveling at the under-appreciated fact that we can see our galaxy in the sky if we gave a gander. Look around you, folks! Around you!
Astronomers Find First Four Exoplanets of 2012. Pshaw, So Passé!
Man! Woman! Transgender! Everyone! Do you remember when it was like totally special to find an exoplanet? Yeah I’m struggling to, too. Astronomers have found the first four of 2012! Like, whatevs.
Pluto May Be A Rich Source Of Fuel. Says “F**k You All!” When Questioned.
Pluto has taken an Earthling ass-whuppin’ over the last handful of years. No longer a planet, its now considered a shitty ball of ice, barely capable of holding an orbit. Don’t feel too bad for it though, as it may prove to have the last laugh.
Starburst Galaxy IC 10 Is Pretty. Shiny.
Maybe it’s because it’s late as fuck as I’m typing this and it’s dark and I’m cold and I’m pretty sure my own Star has turned its back on me, but this image is striking a chord with me. I mean, goddamn. Look at that picture. Look at *all* those fucking stars.
China Is Sending Astronaut To The Moon. America? We Got Awesome Reality TV!
Now listen. I’m not totally bitter about the United States’ fucking shitty space program. But I’m totally bitter about the United States’ shitty space program. They can afford zillion dollar embassies in sandy places across the Earth, but they can’t send people to the Moon anymore. China? China can.
The Cigar Galaxy Is Smoking! Ha! Get It? I’ll Be In The Corner.
Check out M82, otherwise known as the Cigar Galaxy, otherwise known as the source of my first really, really, really awful awful puns of the year.
Milky Way Galaxy Is About To Get Fed, Yo!
The hulking black hole at the center of our galaxy hungers. Why? ‘Cause Galactus hangs out there. Or not. Yet it needs to be feed. Pretty soon it’s going to get a glorious gas cloud to mow on.
Behold! The Scale of Saturn Is Existential Wunder-Nausea!
A few days ago, Phil Plait wrote a pretty righteous post about the scale of Saturn. It was swag as all Cosmic get out, but a reader of Bad Astronomy took it a step further and showed how North America would compare size-wise.
Hit the jump to behold.
The Dumbbell Nebula Gets Me Pumped For The Cosmos. Get It?!?!
Check out the Dumbbell Nebula, and peer into a look at what shall become of our Sun. Discovered through Science! and uh, Intrepitude! That’s a word. It’s a word.
Small Planets Dived Into Their Sun, And Survived. Boss Mode!
Often I think of only Kal-El being able to dive into Sol and emerge victorious. Apparently that shit ain’t true. Tiny charred-as-Vader’s-dome-piece planets have done the exactly same thing. Flex on, Planets. You deserve it.