
Volcanoes May Erupt On The Moon Someday? There Goes That F**king Space Colony.

I’d love to see me some goddamn volcanoes on the surface of the Moon. That barren ass surface, long since deprived of any sort of activity. Give it volcanoes! Volcanoes I say. Wiping out space colonies and the headquarters’ of Bond villains alike.

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Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1073 Is Long-Distance Sexiness.

NGC 1073 is a pretty, barred spiral galaxy. It’s also a bit of a hike. Planning on visiting it? It’s going to take you 55 million years. After you master travel at the speed of light.

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Merope’s Reflection Nebula Is Mirror Image Of Beauty. Get It? Rimshots. Everywhere.

Check out  Merope’s Reflection Nebula. Looking all pretty and the such. Wouldn’t you know it though, it’s a parasite. Totally piggybacking on the splendor of a nearby star’s light.

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Saturn’s Moon Enceladus In High-Res Wunder-Detail.

The Cassini orbiter snagged a gorgeous picture of Saturn’s moon Enceladus back in January of last year. Fucking stunning. Hit the jump for some details on the picture, and try to remember: this is a real moon that is really floating relatively close by. So rad.

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NASA Considering Putting Astronauts On Far Side Of Moon. Sci-Fi Swoon.

Quick! What’s that part of the Moon where all the dope science-fiction stuff happens! Boom. You’re correct. The Far Side of The Moon. Buckle up, it appears NASA is considering sending some of us very own Erflings into that black hole of wonderment.

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The Core Of NGC 6752 Is Cosmic Brilliance. Like, Bright And Stuff. Get It?

Check out NGC 6752, courtesy of the Hubble. Sexy son of a gun, no? At a mere 13,000 light-years away, it holds quite the sexy score.

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Scientists: Mars Had Two Oceans. Me: TEARY-EYED HEAD NOD.

Water on Mars. It’s enough to get the tits of any geek tightening. Just the mere words. Scientists have it in their Wunder-Books proof that there were two oceans on the Red Planet. This makes me way, way, way too emotional for some reason.

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NASA Probe Reveals The ‘Atmosphere’ That Surrounds Our Solar System. Rad.

NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer, or IBEX, has spent four years tilling about at the frayed edges of our solar system. What has the son of a bitch found? Some really interesting things about what comprises our solar system’s “atmosphere” and theories about its formation.

Hit the jump for more.

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The Helix Nebula Burns A Bright Post-Star Death Glory.

Check out the glowing glory that is the Helix Nebula. The sexy son of a bitch is an insight into what’s going to happen when the Sun goes all dead and shit, and I have to find a new solar system to fly around in my Millenium Falcon.

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Video: Ridiculous Aurora From Earth’s Largest Magnetic Storm In Almost A Decade.

Chad Blakley captured the gorgeous aurora generated from one of the Earth’s most powerful geomagnetic storms in the past decade. Taken at  Abisko National Park in Sweden, it’s a stunning wank-diddle moment for fans of all things beautiful and spacey.

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