
Infographic Depicting Every Manned Space Mission Is Cosmic Win

Between 1961 and 2011, the U.S. rocked 166 manned missions into space. This sexy infographic summarizes the glory of the days when we Dreamed in one tight package.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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SPACE-WUNDER: Galaxy Groups And Integrated Flux Nebula In This Pic.

Just look at this picture. Zillions upon gazillions of burning machines of creation. You’re gazing into the M81 group of galaxies. What’s exactly going on here?

Hit the jump to find out.

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Neil deGrasse Tyson isn’t just a cuddly teddy bear and astrophysicist. He’s also a goddamn inspiration of mine, and a space-bound philosopher. This video has him laying it down about our lack of star-gazing in his typically dulcet tones.

Hit the jump for some NdGT.

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IMAGE: How Big Is A Neutron Star Compared To Brooklyn?

NASA has answered the question I never dared to dream: how big is a neutron star in comparison to Brooklyn? How many hipsters can we fit in its core? (I made that one jump)

Hit the jump for the comparison.

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Dust Devil On MARS Shows The Red Planet Looking Lively

Check out that there picture up thurr. Woah. Syntax+grammar vomisplosion. Anyways. That little spectral goody is nothing more than a dust devil wandering about the surface of Mars. A concept, which when thought about, is actually pretty cool.

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Video: Huge Coronal Mass Ejection Slammed Into Earth Today. Sun Activity ++

On Tuesday evening, a curmudgeonly old Sun decided to erupt in a violent solar flare. Ole sumbitch Sun has been acting up for a while now. Early this morning, the Solar Puke smashed into our Earth’s atmosphere.

Hit the jump for videos of the ejection and some deets. It’s swoon.

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Video: Neil DeGrasse Tyson Tells Us The Most Astounding Fact Of The Universe

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is fucking awesome. Fact. Scientific fact. He was asked be a reader of TIME  magazine what the most astounding fact of the universe was. This is his answer.

Hit the jump. Bask in the glory.

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Oxygen Discovered Around Saturn’s Moon Dione. Spacegasm ++

Man, Cassini keeps paying dividends. According to a new report published in a fancy pants science thing journal, the spacecraft has detected oxygen around Dione.

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FIGURED OUT: Why Astronauts Crave Spicy Food In Space. Thank Goodness.

The latest Mystery of the Universe has been figured out. When astronauts get their lucky asses up off this here Blue Marble, they begin to crave spicy foods. It seems that people didn’t know why, but they ever asked me and I would have explained it to them. They’re closer to Martian brain-wave manipulation. Obviously. Don’t buy my explanation? Some deceiver scientists offer a different one.

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Astronomers Discover New Class of Exoplanet: The Waterworld. Space Fist-Pump.

The Kepler mission has kept us space zealots in writhing moments of euphoria for a while now, but this one is a doozy. Courtesy of its All-Seeing-Eye (listen that’s how I imagine it, okay) they’ve discovered a new class of exoplanet: the waterworld. Insert easy jokes.

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