
Wait — Could Giant Asteroid VESTA Be A PLANET?

Pluto is going to be fucking heated, yo. Not

only has it been demoted to a dwarf planet, but now there’s talk of an asteroid being a planet. An asteroid! A fucking asteroid.

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Hypervelocity Planets Are Leaving Our Galaxy At Warp Speed. PEACE.

These planets have the balls-out ride of the cosmos. After getting too close to the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, they’ve been flung the fuck out of the galaxy. Beasted!

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MERCURY Has Frozen Water, Despite Being Hot As F**k? Zounds.

Mercury is straight chilling next to Sol, having the distinction of being the planet closest to the star in this fine system. With temperatures off the chain, one doesn’t generally imagine there be water on the planet. Unless you’re like me and you spend too much time imagining things in the Multiverse like my dumb ass. Going against all (seeming) sense there isn’t just water on the Scorcher. There’s frozen  water.

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Ticket To MARS For Only HALF A MILLION? Head of SpaceX Says Word.

I want to go to Mars. I’ve oft mentioned that if we ever put one of us lead-footed mostly-simians onto that Red Planet I’m going to be weeping all over the televised (into ours skull-o-vision) broadcast. Now go there? My god. I can’t even contemplate it. According to the head of SpaceX I could be swinging such a dream for only half a million. Time to start rubbing some fucking pennies together.


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Stars Put Up Safety Barriers For Planets. COSMIC BUMPERS.

As scientists have used their super-technos to discover more and more planets, they’ve come to notice a pattern between the distance of these planets from their stars. At first most thought it was because of an unfavorable smell the stars exuded, but it may turn out to be something more clever. The stars themselves put up barriers. Cosmic bumper bowling.

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NASA VIDEO: “Evolution Of The Moon” Is Cratery Bliss.

A smidge old, but I kept forgetting to post it. This is for you!, person who hasn’t seen this yet. NASA has released a video detailing the entire evolution of the Moon in almost three minutes. It’s goddamn fantastic.

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Gorgeous View Of The MILKY WAY Above A Monsoon. Space Swoon.

Bret Webster took a gorgeous photo of our Milky Way galaxy hanging out above a raging monsoon at  Canyonlands National Park. It’s one of those tit-tightening reminders that we’re at all times we are within a galaxy, orbiting the center of the universe. Astounding.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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NASA Releases Infrared Map Of THE ENTIRE GODDAMN UNIVERSE. Space Moan.

Even with little funding and a space program that is withering quicker than my Nana’s nethers, NASA has managed to accomplish something that I find pretty (inter)stellar. They’ve release an infrared map of the entire  universe.

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Dude Makes Successful 13-Mile SPACE JUMP. Brazen ++

Felix Baumgartner is a man who has leaped from something approximating space, and lived to tell the tale. The good sir, with Red Bull as his co-pilot and sponsor, plummeted to the Earth from 13-miles up.

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The Sun’s Furious Sunspots Look Like PINK SPHINCTERS OF DOOM

Listen. We can pretend to be adults, or we can admit that these righteous sunspots look like a goddamn pink sphincter of Armageddon.

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