
Half-Mile Sized SNOWBALLS Hold It Down In Saturn’s Weirdest Ring

Getting my learn on today! Watch in amusement as I don my Thinking Cap – shaped like a giant phallus with built-in glowing veins courtesy of a AAA batter – and learn all about Saturn’s weirdest ring. Come along with me, and learn about half-mile sized snowballs and lurking moons.

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WATCH: Neil deGrasse Tyson Talks About Link Between Space & Culture

You can’t turn around lately without bumping into  NdGT holding it the fuck down. A myriad of television appearances complimented by a multitude of websites feelin’ his swag. It’s awesome.  Last week NdGT delivered the keynote speech at the  28th National Space Symposium  and it is everything you’d expect from the new Lord of Space. Humor. Inspiration. Wild gesticulations.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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Official. JAMES CAMERON and GOOGLE Unveil Asteroid-Mining Plans

Ah, we’re living in the future indeed. It’s official. It’s official! James Cameron, Google and a gaggle of other wealthy individuals-institutions-whatever are taking us asteroid mining.

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Mars Got Itself Some FLOWING SAND DUNES. Picnic Time, IMO.

Now, those sand dunes on Mars aren’t actually flowing like liquid. You’re looking at me incredulously. They aren’t. Believe me. However, I’m not going to fault you for thinking they are.

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Video: NASA Reconstruction Of APOLLO 8’S Earthrise Is The Goosebumps.

This is some deliciously stunning stuff. NASA has recreated the experience of the first Earth rise ever witness by humans and laid the actual audio for us the masses. It’s got me feeling the goosebumps. Imagine experiencing this? Imagine!

Hit the jump for the video.

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Video: GORGEOUS SPACE FOOTAGE Is Solar System Swoon

Sander van den Berg has created this stunning cosmic moment. Compiling photographs from the Cassini and Voyager missions, he’s created a video of our solar system bound to make the tits tighten. In an awesome way.

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Space Firm To Make Big Announcement. Somewhere in his lair, Michael Bay just coughed up blood and doesn’t know why.

The interwebs are all a-twitter (no pun intended… except it was totally intended) with excitement and speculation after a new company called Planetary Resources dropped a press release about an upcoming space venture that will ensure humanity’s continuing prosperity. They’re backed by a whole mess of people with deep pockets — Google and James Cameron, to name a few — and are going to lay down their proposal on April 24th.

Now, the press release itself is incredibly vague, and I’m guessing that was deliberate, but what can you expect from people who worked for the organization that told us Pluto was a planet and then went “Our bad. Might want to start thinking about some new mnemonic devices.”

Hit the jump to read the press release.

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Mysterious DARK REGIONS OF MARS Are Made Of Glass. Contemplate That Shizz.

10 Million square kilometers of northern lowlands on Mars are made up of glass. Volcanic glass. That fucking planet, man. Keeps paying dividens in awesomeness.

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Most Detailed Picture Yet Of A STAR NURSEY BIRTHING Suns. Cosmic Awe

God bless the Hubble. For years it has been bringing us glorious snapshots of the glorious beyond. Stimulating the imagination while showing us what lies beyond the Big Blue Marble. This picture is no different. It is a look at  30 Doradus, which is “the brightest and most prolific star-forming region in our galactic neighborhood”. Hell yeah!

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Video: Yesterday’s SOLAR FLARE In All Its Glory

Boom! Yesterday bore witness to a pretty friggin’ fantastic sunspot. I ain’t going to keep barking my gelantinous mind-mush.

Hit the jump to check it out.

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