VIDEO of CURIOSITY’S descent onto Mars. Super space bulge.
This video of Curiosity’s descent onto Mars is only stop motion, but it’s a delicious taste of the footage to come. Crank the son of a bitch up to its highest resolution, squint your eyes, and party hard.
NASA’s CURIOSITY rover makes it safely onto Mars. Everyone drink!
I know this is late news in the wunder-deluge that is the internet churn cycle, but fuck it I want to celebrate. NASA’s Curiosity rover has touched down safely on the Red Planet. Fuck yes.
SATURN’S MOON IAPETUS got itself some pretty gnarly avalanches.
You think you’re surfing the gnarly waves of crystallized water stuff here on Erf, brah? Think again. Saturn’s moon Iapetus is where all the legitimate skier people are going. We’re talking avalanches like a mofuckah.’
NASA hires SCENT CHEMIST to recreate the smell of space for us leadfooted bastards.
I didn’t know that space had a smell. Nor did I know there were such things as scent chemists. Now these two newly divulged existences are coming together. Praise be.
PLUTO Has A FIFTH MOON, Still No Goddamn Respect.
Pluto. It can’t catch a break. Despite having like, a zillion moons (four) with like a million more found (a fifth), it still isn’t a pluto. What the hell is up with that.
NASA Reveals The ORION SPACE CAPSULE. The Sumbitch May Take Us To Mars
NASA has pulled the tarp away covering their new passenger-powered space shuttle thingy sumbitch. Meet the Orion Space Capsule.
The ZOOLOGICAL UNIVERSE Takes Literal Approach To Cosmic Bodies
Christian Petersen is bringing the heat with these prints. They take some of us space-dork-lords’ favorite cosmic entities and pair them with a mighty beast best befitting the space wonder.
Non-Profit Organization Wants To Launch Deep Space Telescope To Search For Dangerous Asteroids. Bruce Willis Nods.
Deep space asteroids are out there, folks. They’re lurking. Taking their time. Waiting for us to get complacent. Right when we think we’ve got the entire cosmos to ourselves, they’re going to launch their asses through gravity and physics right at our precious Blue Marble. One non-profit wants to help prevent this.
Gas Cloud Colliding With Our Galaxy’s Black Hole Next Year. Take That, Mayans!
Pah, Mayans! Pah! Our Existence will not be ending this year. No, no. Instead I’m pretty sure we’re going to be felled by a gas cloud colliding with the black hole in the center of our galaxy. I can sense it.
Near-Earth Asteroid That Passed Us By Is TWICE AS BIG As Previously Thought
Here’s some cold comfort. Some big son of a bitch asteroid recently passed us by, giving us the finger and giggling at our mortality. While it’s all well and good that it didn’t rock us, it also turns out that the death-dealing rock was twice as large as previously thought.