
Cassini captures Saturn’s enormous space swagger.

G’damn! Saturn is quite large. This gorgeous picture was snapped back in August by Cassini, and it captures the true hulking might of the planet named after a video game system. That’s where it came from, right? Shame it couldn’t have been named after a more wonderful gaming system, but hey. Who could have known?

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Scientists claim they may have discovered something “earthshaking on Mars. Wut, wut.

Scientists may have found something tremendous in the soil upon the Red Planet. While they’re double-checking and quadruple verifying their date, they have also begun to leak their excitement to the press.

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So, the UNIVERSE is past middleage. It’s all over.

Man. Just when I think I’m getting old, word has to drop that the Universe is right there with me. I figure I have a good, three, four hundred years left. Even with that amount of time, the Universe is going to outpace me despite being halfway to the Glorious Heat Death. Astronomers. Ruining my Thanksgiving week.

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Astronomers have taken first picture of planet orbiting a star. Spaceswoon++

Woo! I’m totally excited about us doing as a civilization something I probably thought we had already done! Astronomers have taken their first picture of a planet orbiting a star, allowing us to plan our travel to this planet. We can go there, right? We got this, correct? Pack your bags, it’s on!

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Saturn’s moon DIONE got that crater face, but we still love her.

Oh Dione, you’re still pretty to be dammit!

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CURIOSITY snaps its first self-portrait on Mars. Space swoon!

Now Curiosity is just showing off. It is all on the Red Planet, having fun. Living the Bradbury dream. Now it is sending back total profile pictures of itself to post on the FaceSpace and shit. Not fair.

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SATURN’S SIZE will make you feel like the mite you are. Relativity ++

Our fat brains can’t really process things. Consider Saturn’s sheer enormity in comparison to us. Then try and comprehend how small in relation to the sun. Then appreciate how fucking small the Sun is in the grand scheme. Nosebleed incoming!

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Andromeda has got that star cloud twinkle. Je t’aime.

Look at this beautiful sumbitch. Ain’t no party like a spiral galaxy party. Or something. Hit the textual mute on me and bask in the prettiness  If you stroke it, it purrs.

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Video: NASA animations follows the birth and death of a disk galaxy.

Do you want to follow the development of a disk galaxy, starting right up at the Big Bang? The answer is of course you want to. Enjoy some mid-afternoon existential toggling. Kindly reminding you that shit does not matter.

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EARTH-SIZED planet found in Alpha Centauri? I’ll take it!

Goddamn! Get down, get down. Astro-wizards have found an “Earth-sized” planet in Alpha Centauri. If you don’t think this is the berries, good sir or madam, you don’t know poop about squat.

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