
Saturn’s Enceladus is MOONING us beautifully. Get it? (I hate myself.)


Hey, it’s a gorgeous shot of Saturn’s sixth largest moon! Wee!

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Saturn’s 1,250 MILE-WIDE HURRICANE looks like maelstrom of death.


Cassini has captured one of a few rogue portals into Diablo’s Lair, this one being on Saturn. Look at that shit! A blood-churning blood-filled hurricane of doom! Oh, don’t give me anything about spectral filters. Or extrapolations. That is how it truly looks. I can feel it.

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NASA draws (unintentional) GIANT DONG on the surface of Mars. Space Freud.

Giant Peen.

I’m glad that the aliens watching us fumble around our (obvious) initial birthplace on the surface of Mars get to bask in our ability to draw giant cocks. Oh yeah sure, we totally “didn’t mean to draw a furious cock on Mars”, but at the very least we have gone full Space Freud.

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This SUPERNOVA REMNANT goes Jiggly Puff.

Supernova Remnant SN 1006.

Goes Jiggly Puff? Hey, I don’t know. How the fuck do you describe a sexy picture of a supernova’s remnant? I got nothing.

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RIDICULOUS: Hubble’s infrared image of the HORSEHEAD NEBULA.


I say goddamn! The Hubble has snapped an image of the rather well-known Horsehead Nebula. However, this picture ain’t like the one you’ve probably seen. This one is even more fucking gorgeous.

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Space swoon: The MILKY WAY rises up in the Chilean night sky.

Goddamn stunning.

I ain’t never seen the Milky Way rise in the night sky, though if I ever do I am certain I will fall to my knees in space-supplication.

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Alien solar system got TWO EARTH-SIZED WORLDS. No word on mouth-breathing quasi-monkeys like us.

Sexy time courtesy of David A. Aguilar..jpg

I say goddamn! Let’s all do what I am inclined to do: get excited over some astronomical theorizing based off of computer simulations! There ain’t nothing like mathematical calculations postulating about Earth-sized planets to get my nipples leaking mud.

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[Update: No!] VOYAGER 1 has left the SOLAR SYSTEM. We did it!

Voyager 1.

[Update: It hasn’t. I frigging knew it.]

Voyager 1 has totally left the solar system. This time it is for real. Right? I feel as though I have written nineteen different posts about Voyager 1, and whether or not it has crossed the cosmic Rubicon  Now comes a paper that has confirmed the spectacular leap for mankind. We get to keep it this time, right? Please?

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VENUS hiding in SATURN’S MAJESTY is space swoon.

The glory.

Oh, Venus. The planet is playing coy in this picture, hiding from us. Though, it does have some help with the majesty of Saturn in this picture’s forefront.

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The HEART NEBULA beats with awesome. Take my puns into your soul!

The Heart Nebula. Photo by Terry Hancock.

It’s Monday. I pounded a good old liter of Pepsi Max on the way to work. The result is a collision between your eyes and my horrible puns. May they eviscerate the softer tissues of your meat sack, allowing my infection to spread. Oh yeah, this post is about space or something.

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