
This Intergalactic Particle Jet Beam is a cauldron of gorgeous insanity

Most gnarly.

Watch out for HH 24. That young stellar object isn’t fooling around, flinging electrons and protons without much fucks to give. I mean sure this infrared picture of the entire endeavor is gorgeous, but like the Siren upon the rocks, its looks can be deceiving.

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Watch out! River of Hydrogen running amok in space

River of Hydrogen. Just hanging out.

Goddamn — watch out! There’s a fucking River of Hydrogen running through space. Throwing haymakers and elbow dropping galactic clusters from the top of a cosmic turnbuckle. Sort of. I may be embellishing.

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Stephen Hawking: there ain’t such a thing as a black holes. Dummies!

Black Hole.

Sort of! Sort of. That’s the sexy, sensational headline. And I’m not Mary Jane or Peter Parker, but I want desperately to be both sexy and sensational. Anyways. So black holes *do* fucking exist, but apparently it is possible for shit to escape their tyrannical gape.

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Water plumes seen on DWARF PLANET CERES

big rock prick thing!

Ceres. You big fucking rock-ice asteroid motherfucker. Holding out on us all this time. I mean we (humans, space-wizards in particular) thought you had some form of water on you. But you just wouldn’t let us confirm it. Now you’re just flaunting your water supply. And frankly, it’s ostentatious.

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SUPERNOVA captured going off in (relatively) nearby galaxy


Dopeee! Really dope. A supernova has been captured going off in a relatively close galaxy. How close? Oh you know — 12 million light years away. Jesus, Reality is enormous.

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COMET-HUNTING spacecraft ROSETTA woke up after three years. Is like, sup.


Today, I’ve had more than a couple of friends point me in the direction of this dopeness. This means two things. First, despite enough stimulants in my system to kill an ogre, I’m slowing down. Losing my grip. Second, my friends get me. Anyways, this isn’t about me! (I swear!) Rosetta is a comet-hunting spacecraft that has spent the last two years all slumbering and shit. Today! Today, it woke up.

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The SEAGULL NEBULA is fixin’ to steal your cosmic french fries.

Seagull Nebula.

Seagulls are right pricks. Constantly making sojourns to the beach a fucking adventure. Is the seagull going to shit in my hair? Is it going to steal my sandwich while I look wistfully off into the horizon? Is it going to do both? Thankfully the Seagull Nebula is pretty far away. Pretty gorgeous, too.

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Space porn: The Hand of God is ON FIRE.

The flaming hand of God!

Behold! The Hand of God is a mere 17,000 light years away. And it’s on fucking fire. Yeah, man. What’s that meager distance to The Creator? Nothing. We better stop acting the fool, I reckon The Deity ain’t opposed to pimp-slapping us. Ain’t nothin’!

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The International Space Station mission shall live until 2024. At least.


Here’s one victory for us space nerdos. The International Space Station’s mission just got extended until 2021. More than enough time for me to hone my space-skillz, so I can join my post-Earth brethren up there.

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ISS Astronauts experimenting with WATER that ACTS LIKE FIRE. Srsly bros.


‘Cause they’re fucking astronauts! They’ll do what they damn well please. Water that acts like fire. Tang. Man, they got all the most glorious shit up there in space. Moon boots. Secret Illuminati bases on Mars. All of that.

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