
Space Porn: Gorgeous picture of the Galactic Core

oh baby

Reddit user Viniguez487 took this gorgeous picture of the Galactic Core a mere 25 miles from downtown LA. It’s staggering.

Hit the jump for the full glory.

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United Kingdom is planning first friggin’ spaceport for 2018

spaceport tyme

Ah, the United Kingdom. You’re making my little geek-boner all dribbly. Fucking planning a spaceport and shit. This is the future I wanted.

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New photo of (Jupiter’s Moon) Europa sports rivers of red ice

aw yis

I say goddamn!!! Here’s a new glorious look at Europa. Sporting some straight-up rivers of red ice. No doubt carrying the corpses of of humanity’s Progenitor Species, The Appalachian Dingus-Sapiens to their final resting place. Namely the Tombs of Oblivion, deep underneath Europa’s husk.

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NASA tests Flying Saucer, it’s totally a success

Flying Saucer

It seems fitting that NASA is testing a Flying Saucer in hope it can help us get to Mars. Those fucking Illuminati-Martians have been rolling up on yokels in the middle of the night for half a century, abducting them to work on their terraforming projects. So when we finally take the fight to them, it makes sense we will be doing it in a vehicle not unlike their own.

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Astronomer Wizards find EARTH-SIZED Diamond

Diamond size of Earth

Man! Astronomer Wizards. Just finding shit in space. Wild shit. Diamonds the size of Earth. Or they could be lying. Truthfully I’d have no fucking way of knowing. But I like the idea of living in such a Universe with gnarly shit like this floating around space.

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Elon Musk: HUMANS on MARS by 2026. Oh. Okay.


I feel like every time I turn around Elon Musk is saying or doing something fucking wonky. Like, is this dude just talking out his ass these days because we’re all tuned into him? I ask because frankly I don’t want this Rich Prick getting my Space Fanboy Dick up at attention for nothing. Don’t tell me we’re on the Red Planet in twelve years unless you can deliver, bro.

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NASA wants to send QUADCOPTER DRONE to Titan. Oh to dream.


Shout out to NASA. Even if they’re like, totally underfunded, and wrangling with all sorts of bureaucracy, at least they come up with some pretty fantastic ideas. I don’t know how practical they are, and I generally regard them as science-fiction, but I’m on board. Like. A quadcopter drone on Titan? Sold.

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SPECULATION: One of Pluto’s Moons (Charon) could have water

Pluto + Charon.

Hey man, in a world where our empirical data is constantly challenged, isn’t like *bong rip* everything just speculation, mannn? But yeah. NASA Astronomer Wizards are wondering if there is water on one of Pluto’s moons. Which would be neat. It’d be one more resource the slap-ass dummies who run the world couldn’t get together to harvest. Ah man *bong rip* I gotta keep that PMA.

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Wut: Massive “OCEAN” discovered towards Earth’s core.


Somewhat fittingly, Bateman and I were recently discussing how the Earth was first populated with water. In a state of inebriation, and probable complete incorrectness, I recalled a theory that the Earth was continuously pelted with comets from the Oort Cloud Kupier Belt. Even if I was recounting the theory correctly (and I’m sure I probably wasn’t), a new challenger to that probably-wrong theory has entered the arena!

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Watch: Hubble captures STAR EXPLOSION in four-year time-lapse video



Behold the Universe! Regenerating itself! This four-year time lapse video from Hubble shows a pretty killer star explosion. Reminding us that we ain’t show, but that’s okay because we’re part of something rocking.

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