Space Swoon: Pluto’s moon Charon in enhanced color
Goddamn gorgeous. Just Pluto. Not being a moon, but having a moon? Wild. Insult. Gorgeous.
NASA: Present-day Mars shows strong evidence of flowing water
We got water! On Mars! Buckle me the fuck up and send me to the TerraDome. I’m ready to help colonize Mars. Seriously though, how futzing radical is this revelation? I’ll tell you: completely futzing radical.
Watch: Another Pluto flyby courtesy of NASA and New Horizons
Hey! It’s another goddamn glorious flyby of Pluto, courtesy of the SpaceCzars at NASA and the New Horizons spacecraft.
Saturn’s Moon Enceladus is covered in a futzing Global Ocean
Saturn’s moon got some water! Oh man, does it ever have some water. Like, an entire goddamn global ocean, beneath the surface. This is really goddamn staggering and glorious. All I have beneath the surface is anxiety and perhaps a slow rolling ride of perpetual depression. Go Enceladus!
Watch: The Pluto System as seen by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft
NASA has dropped another glimpse of the Pluto system, courtesy of New Horizons. Futzing 2015, yo. Just living in a year where we’re being beamed glorious quasi-footage from a goddamn Dwarf Planet way out there in the solar system. Glorious. Glorious.
Central Asian country Tajikistan has created its own planet in the solar system; named it after itself
Have to respect this power move by Tajikistan. Just up and creating its own planet. I mean, why not? With the villains and deadbeats of the Empire Proper generally disregarding science in the face of profit, why shouldn’t other nations throw empiricism and method to the wind? I applaud Tajikistan.
Watch: Check out how futzing fast a space probe is in comparison to a plane
I say goddamn. A space probe is simply not futzing around when it comes to. Well. Probing space.