
Space Swoon: Cassini captures Dione’s gorgeous contrasts

Space Swoon: NGC 7129 is a gorgeous Reflection (Nebula)

‘Hidden Figures’ Trailer: Three African-American female NASA Engineers help get us into space

Watch: Arctic Circle’s Summer Sky Time-Lapse; Where The Sun Never Sets

Space Swoon: Orion Nebula as captured by the Very Large Telescope

A deep infrared view of the Orion Nebula from HAWK-I

No, seriously. It’s called the Very Large Telescope, and it is responsible for one of the largest and deepest pictures of the nebula ever taken.

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First Commercial Asteroid Mining could start in Three Years; get me to Ceres Station!

Asteroid Mining

Man, I don’t know if I believe the Hype, here. Asteroid mining in three years? Cities in space in thirty years? But, oh, do I want to. Do I ever want to.

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Space Swoon: Hubble catches a Galaxy ready to burst

Watch: One Year of Earth from One-Million Miles Away

Space swoon! Swooning! Over space!

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Space Swoon: The Stars are (not really) out on Saturn

Space Swoon: New Map of the Universe charts 1.2 Million Galaxies


Each point in this map isn’t a star, it’s a god damn galaxy. The map charts out a mere 650 cubic billion light years, which constitutes a quarter of the known Universe.

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