
John Glenn, First American To Orbit The Earth, Has Died At Age 95

john glenn died age 95

Well, it’s official. 2016 is officially the worst. It’s sort of been official for a good long while now, but as a space geek, this cuts to the core.

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Watch: Northern Lights Timelapse From Denmark

Feeling generally blue, given the tone of the planet? Perhaps this video of the Northern Lights can help swell your spirits.

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Astronomers Will Try To Take First Picture of Black Hole Next Year

astronomers black hole picture

Next year, astronomers are going to attempt to take the first picture of a black hole. Like, ever. Insert all the easy jokes, then pray they pull it off.

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Saturn’s North Polar Hexagon Changed Color from Blue To Orange

saturn's north polar hexagon

No big whup. Just Saturn’s North Polar Hexagon. It’s just changed its color, explicably, from blue to orange. No big whup, it’s just big enough to swallow our planet. And we don’t know why it changed color.

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NASA Images Suggest the ExoMars Lander Exploded During Landing

nasa exomars lander

Bummer! Big bummer for the European Space Agency. Images provided by NASA suggest that the ExoMars lander exploded as it attempted to land on the Red Planet.

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Two New Dark Moons may be hiding near Uranus. Jokes Write Themselves

dark moons uranus

Researchers have discovered  what appears to be two new Dark Moons. Lurking near Uranus. God is not without a sense of humor, it seems.

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There Are *Way* More Galaxies In The Universe Than Previously Thought

galaxies universe

An AstronomerWizard and his team have crunched the numbers and figured out something fucking staggering. There are *at least* 10 times as many galaxies in the Universe than previous thought. Motherfucker, we’re talking 700 billion trillion stars.

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New Dwarf Planet found in our Solar System

a new dwarf planet

AstronomerWizards have found themselves (and us!) a new Dwarf planet in our solar system. The motherfucker is like, way out there. But out there no less.

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Obama says NASA sending Humans to Mars by 2030s

united states mars mission

Get us to Mars, NASA! Get us to Mars, Obama! If the two of them have their way, it’ll be by the 2030s, apparently.

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Space Swoon: Hurricane Matthew from the International Space Station