
Monday Morning Commute: Wednesday. Goddamn.

Welcome to the MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE, OL’s celebration of escaping workweek ennui with comics and movies and video juegos and other such godsends. As can be inferred from the name, this feature is posted on the first day of the week. Usually. Sometimes, when work is too overwhelming and the pile on my desk is more difficult to navigate, the MMC drops on Tuesday.

And then there’s weeks like this one.

I could blather on and on about my work woes, computer problems, and persistent bone-pains, but I think I’d rather show off some of the bits of entertainment that’re going to keep me from washing my wrists with a razor. Life’s great, so let’s deliver stress a fun-time uppercut to the ballbag!

Let’s go!

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On Friday night I was fortunate enough to catch a midnight screening of Pulp Fiction at the Somerville Theatre. Sure, getting a chance to see Tarantino’s seminal work on the big-screen was absolutely amazing. But what was truly mind-blowing was encountering the most puzzling statement I’ve ever seen scrawled on a bathroom stall:

I also love to fart on pussy.

With no other graffiti visible, my search for meaning became frantic. Who farts on pussy? Why? And what’s with the inclusion of also? This could imply either that the author loves to do other things on pussy or that he loves to fart on other things. Hrm. Is this some sort of Zen kōan?

What does this mean?