
HBO is adapting Neal Stephenson’s cyberpunk classic ‘Snow Crash’ into a TV series and I really want this to fucking own

hbo snow crash neal stephenson

Snow Crash is one of my favorite fucking novels, man. Cyberpunk as fuck, stylish as hell. And while adapting it seems like a difficult sled to pull, I think an HBO series is its best bet. Sign me the fuck up.

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Amazon is developing a TV show based off of ‘Snow Crash’, making it the 500th attempt to adapt it

amazon developing snow crash tv

Snow Crash is one of my favorite books of all time, and it’s also a good friend of Development Hell. The latest group attempting to push it into the cinematic world is Amazon, who is developing a TV based off of it. Oh! The company is also developing TV shows based off of the comic Lazarus (love it), and the Ringworld series (I should be reading it).

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Burger King launches cryptocurrency in Russia because the future is weird and grease covered

burger king russia cryptocurrency

Why the fuck not, right? Burger King has launched a cryptocurrency in Russia, the WhopperCoin. Can’t make this shit up. Some straight-up Snow Crash shit. The future is wild.

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Joe Cornish’s ‘Snow Crash’ adaptation may finally shoot in 2017

Joe Cornish.

I don’t know man, I don’t know. Can anyone faithfully bring to the big screen the glorious, gorgeous, hilarious, occasionally dense as fuck cyberpunk (and top 5 all time of mine) book, Snow Crash? I’m not certain. But if it’s going to happen, Attack The Block‘s Joe Cornish is a good director to tap. But. I don’t know man, I don’t know.

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Finished Oculus Rift hitting shelves first quarter next year

Oculus Rift.

Finally! We know a pseudo-date for when we will be able to buy our Oculus Rifts. Don our haptic bodysuits. And bang one another in a virtual bathrub while the Kool-Aid man urinates delicious drink all over us! Next year!

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Neal Stephenson joins augmented-reality company as “Chief Futurist.”

Neal Stephenson.

MAKE MINE SNOW CRASH, YA FUCKS! Neal Stephenson has joined an augmented-reality company as their fucking Chief Futurist. And it doesn’t lead to me hanging out in the Black Sun, it’s a colossal fucking disappointment.

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Oculus wants to build BILLION-PERSON MMO with Facebook. AIM LOW AMIRITE LOL?

The Metaverse!

Ah, corporate hyperbole! I love this shit. Tell me all about your hopes and dreams, wizards of crafting press releases! Visionaries with too much money!, pepper me with your Future. And then give me my Snow Crash wet dream, okay?

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Japanese ‘SNOW CRASH’ book covers are totally 1337


Weird pop culture intersectionality today upside my head. While Googling for a Snow Crash cover to post over in my Sony vs. Oculus Rift post, I stumbled across these gorgeous covers for the Japanese edition of the novel. The weirdest part is that it was on also-personal-hero-alongside-Stephenson Brandon Graham’s…LiveJournal. The Internet is strange, man.

Check the covers after the jump.

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‘ATTACK THE BLOCK’ Director Joe Cornish To Write & Direct ‘SNOW CRASH’ Adaptation. This F**king Rules.

Holy convergence of awesomeness, Batman. My tits are twinkling over this one. Snow Crash is getting an adaptation, and the talent behind it is responsible for one of my favorite flicks of last year.

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Neal Stephenson Plays ‘Halo’ On An Elliptical To Stay Thin. Dude Is Outstanding.

Someday, in a distant land, when the semester is over, I’ll get to finish Stephenson’s Reamde. Till then I’ll have to tide myself over with tales of his rockitude. Like this one.

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