
New ‘SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR’ Trailer: We’re Gonna Kill The Bad-Man!

Sin City- A Dame To Kill For

The dialogue in Sin City: A Dame To Kill For…it’s supposed to be fucking dumb, right? I’m trying to surf that indistinguishable line between schlocky and enjoyable noir narration, and…well. A fresh batch of fecaltainment souffle.

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A Dame To Kill For.

The MPAA has banned this new poster for Sin City: A Dame To Kill For. It’s…it’s pretty saucy. But ban worthy? I don’t know, yo.

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‘SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR’ Trailer: Once More Unto The City?

Sin City.

I don’t really care about this movie. The trailer did nothing for me. I’ll end up seeing it. Having no standards or principles is hard.

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‘SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR’ Gets Release Date; Alba and Rourke Confirmed.

Wee! The Sin City Hopes You’re Not Tired Of Its Visual Motif  train continues onward! Into the sky! Into infinity! Into theaters next October! Oh, look at that segue. The touch. The power.

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Robert Rodriguez Teases CAST & FORMAT Of ‘SIN CITY: A DAME TO KILL FOR’. It’s Happening!

It seems that Sin City: A Dame To Kill For  is actually happening. The title is segueing from the world of the ethereal and into the reality. Man-In-Charge  Robert Rodriguez has helped to condense the vapors further, letting MTV in on some of the sequel’s details.

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